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Message 1 of 3

Damaged Credit Score due to BT Fault!

Im writing you as i find my self in a situation where i been completely destroyed because of the mistake made by BT and their emloyees. 
I had a contract with BT for a phone land line 2018-2019, Internet and mobile sim card (pay monthly). I was a good customer paying my bills on time and my relation with BT was on a good level. At the end of May 2019 i found my self in a situation where i lost my job and i cud not aford to live in the property where i was located. I had a conversation with BT on numerouse ocasions and we made an arrangement where they will stop my contract for Interned and the Land line due to change of circumstances and they will wave the rest of my contract as a jesture of good will, but i will keep my modbile phone contract as this was essential for me as i was in a proces of looking for new job and acomodation. 
On the 3rd of June while taking a train for a trip to  do an interview for a job my phone stop working suddenly and i found my self in an uncnown city with out any way to comunicate with anyone. I was not in a position where i cud aford to pay extra to go and buy new sim card and to make phone calls. This situation made me very depressed and i had to cut my trip short and go back to a friends house where i was going to stay until my situation is sorted. I have eventualy manage to speak to BT and they explained that the person who took my call when arranging the cancelation of the Interned and the land line missunderstood me and canceled my mobile phone as well. I was very angry and very upset as this caused a lot of damage to me as i had given out my mobile phone to a lot of employeers due cource as i was in a proces of looking for new job. I have explained this to BT suport center but they explained that unfortunatly its already done and they cant do anything about that. We had a conversation and they explained that due to the mistake that they have done they will wipe off my last bills and close my account.  Obviously this whole situation caused a lot of distress and anxiaty in very dificult time of my life. 
 I have managed to move on and eventualy my life moved in good direction and i was doing very well. 
On 04/02/2021 i recieved two letters in the mail.
On a letter issued by Lowell debt collectors stating that on 20/10/2020 they have bought from BT my account with debt and they will collection my debt and if i dont pay i will be taken to court. 
On the letter from BT it was stated that they have passed my debt of £417.73 to another company. 
when i read trough the bouth letters i was shocked, i cud not belive that this have happend to me. i then logged in to my experian credit score and realised that this is been damaged beyond repair. Over the last 2 years BT have registered not paid bills and Lowell have registered debt as well, This have taken away from me over 500 points from my credit score. 
I have then contacted BT on 08/02/21 and spoke to Frank who was very understanding and ensured me that this will be sorted out. He explained that when  closing my acount as per my first agreement with BT by mistake they swiched off my mobile and internet instead of my landline and internet. Then they just forgot to close the acount and keep billing me for the land line even though they knew i do not live in this adress and for me all this didnt make any sence. He was not able to sort the ptoblem straight away and promised to call me back when done. This never happened. I have called my self again and  then spoke to gentleman called Kyle that explained that unfortynatly they can not do anything as they have already sold my debt to another company. He then promised to send me a check with amount that i was wrongly billed so i can pay off Lowell. 
I oppened case with the Ombudsman against BT on the 08/02/21:
 VOL013-************ (they have admited their fault and promised this to be sorted.
Eventualy my debt with Lowell was wiped and i did not own them anything. All was cleared.
Few years later this is still on my credit score and still continues to damage me!
Any advice on how this cud be removed from my credit score?
I was thinking of opening new case against them as this is crazy i have been paying for their mistake for 5 years now! I do not understand how big corporations can get away with this and we the small people cant do anything about it!
any help any advice?


Message 2 of 3

Re: Damaged Credit Score due to BT Fault!

Firstly, can you edit your post so its not inside the block?

BT900 | Nokia ONT | Ubiquiti ER-X | EETV Box Pro (IP Mode) | Unifi CK2 | 6x Unifi U6+ | 2x Unifi SAK Ultra
Message 3 of 3

Re: Damaged Credit Score due to BT Fault!

@stankanchev I'll send you a private message in a moment so you can get in contact with the moderation team and we'll be happy to help.
