Why is my external fibre cable fixing to my external wall different to my neighbours fixing? They were both done within 2 months of each other but a Kelly Communications operative noted that my connection is inadequate. Which is correct?
A variety of fixing are used by Openreach , your neighbours wire is using a ‘swans neck’ to get the wire above the height of the roof tiles , your fixing is the more common used one , presumably the extra height gained from a swans neck isn’t necessary on your home but is necessary on your neighbours home , both fixings are correct in that they are proper authentic OR supplied fixtures, the circumstances dictate which type is used , just because they different doesn’t make one of them wrong
What they meant is your fibre clamp is undone (you can see the open section in the first picture). Plus that pigtail should have been swapped for a fixing with a closed eyelet.
Give your provider a call, you need an engineer visit asap to get that secured.