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Message 1 of 2

Feedback pages need fixing

Mostly these community pages are good only for discovering that other people have similar problems and useless for solving them. They do frequently pop up a feedback request, but this is badly designed and ought to be reviewed.

1. The feedback request waits until you complete it and then fails if you are not logged in. It should ask/remind the user to log in at the start.

2. The important bit of the feedback is the free text (hoping someone actually reads them), but it's only after you type too much that it tells you there's a limit of 500 characters. Well designed forms of this type show this up front and display the current character count updated as you type.

3. The system has some criterion for deciding this is a second feedback on the same topic/page/whatever and rejects the input after the user has completed it. This is stupidly unfriendly. Well designed sites that want feedback limited to one go per user respond to a second feedback attempt by inviting the user to edit their previous entry.

Is anyone listening? Is there a BT adult in the room?


Message 2 of 2

Re: Feedback pages need fixing

Thanks for the feedback @gregprog 

I'll feed this back up the chain.

