Message 2 of 4


In the 1980s my dad, now 87, had a photo he took of Kielder Dam used on the front of a Northumberland telephone directory. I'm not sure of the exact year. Does anyone know where I could possibly find a copy of the directory as he never kept one but he'd love to see it again now. Thanks. Steve Parker 

Message 1 of 4


In the 1980s my dad, now 87, had a photo he took of Kielder Dam used on the front of a Northumberland telephone directory. I'm not sure of the exact year. Does anyone know where I could possibly find a copy of the directory as he never kept one but he'd love to see it again now. Thanks. Steve Parker 

Message 4 of 4

Re: Help!!?


The BT Group Archives is located at the Third Floor, Holborn Telephone Exchange, 268-270 High Holborn, London, WC1V 7EE, England, UK. 
The archives are open to the public by appointment on Wednesdays and Thursdays from 10 AM–4 PM. There is no charge to access the archives. To make an appointment, you can email archives@bt.com. 
It may be worth emailing them to see if they have what you are looking for. They may even be able to scan you a copy for a small fee.