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Message 1 of 7

In praise of BT. For anyone who thought BT support was poor...TalkTalk are the pits! I use both!!!

I work from home. My Res line has Infinity since it arrived and before that BT Internet since 1997.

A few years ago I switched my Bus line to TT for various reasons, including Call Diversion charges. A low speed Broadband was included which I never bothered to set up but last week it was announced that Infinity speed broadband would be included at no additional cost and a new Modem duly arrived.

I thought I might as well set it up...just in case...and it is free. BIG MISTAKE!!!! It needed a username and password that you get from an telephone auto service. The modem would not connect to the internet, despite the light showing it was.  Finally spoke to 2nd level support and got the WiFi working with a new password. Alas the Password from the auto generated service was wrong. After a few hours I realised the speed was 3.09 down 0.35 up. Went onto tech support chatline. Operator was USELESS and after 30 mins with her "testing the line" told me that the line was good but would not reveal the exchange speeds. Told me to PHONE Tech support who told me to phone another number...who do not answer the phone. MAYBE the exchange has not yet updated the speed but I have no way of doing a line profile. Meanwhile BT Infinity continues to give me 68/18 as it has nearly always done  for around 10 years and on the couple of occasions, it went ape, it was quickly restored or in one case Openreach replaced cable from the street into the house. 

Suffice to say, I am not a TT support fan.

Message 2 of 7

Re: In praise of BT. For anyone who thought BT support was poor...TalkTalk are the pits! I use both!

BT have been brilliant for us. We've been with them for 7 years and I'm still paying the same vfm price as when we joined. The only issue we've had during that time was actually caused by me giving them the wrong address when we moved house. This caused a delay in activation at the new address which would have meant no broadband for several days but that was fixed with a 4G hub and unlimited mobile data... Personally, I cannot fault them 👌

Message 3 of 7

Re: In praise of BT. For anyone who thought BT support was poor...TalkTalk are the pits! I use both!

On the rare occasions that I've had a fault there was a BT van outside the door the next morning. That's good enough for me!

Message 4 of 7

Re: In praise of BT. For anyone who thought BT support was poor...TalkTalk are the pits! I use both!

I'm a bit late to the party here guys but just wanted to post a huge thank you for sharing such positive experiences. We really appreciate hearing about them.



Message 5 of 7

Re: In praise of BT. For anyone who thought BT support was poor...TalkTalk are the pits! I use both!

All I can say is "lucky you".   BT in my area is absolutely the pits, pages can't be reached as probs is the most common thing I'm getting.  Won't let me sort things out myself, can't get myself as the account holder for permissions, this because the missus happened to be the one who changed our details when we moved house 10 years ago, their protocols are not conducive to a smooth changeover in my opinion and she doesn't even do computers.  I'm trying to work up the courage to get on the phone to them again without being super abusive.  ROMFT

Message 6 of 7

Re: In praise of BT. For anyone who thought BT support was poor...TalkTalk are the pits! I use both!

There's an update. After opening a  "case" TT phoned and said the upgrade had not happened, was not imminent and could be weeks or months away. They also told me to switch the router off until the update happened. A week on  3emails in quick succession. 

1 confirmed that by default I had agreed to the update-no problem.

2 set the router up, the upgrade is imminent.

3 ignore the last email...human error.

Yesterday another email arrived."You must switch your router on now in readiness for the upgrade".  Not holding breath.

TT have been a shambles...BT staff feel free to gloat LARGE 😁

Message 7 of 7

Re: In praise of BT. For anyone who thought BT support was poor...TalkTalk are the pits! I use both!

Well whoopee for you.  Told my McAfee is now not my "Guardian" but won't let me chop over to Norton, which I was quite happy with before they changed over to McAfee anyway.  Get promised solution on the phone,  fill in the forms saying email is my preferred contact method but they just send stuff to my mobile phone which I don't have on, it's for emergencies is why I've got it.  All I can do is try not to get wound up and end up tearing my hair out.  Grrrrrr!