Message 1 of 7

My BT login

I have not been able to log in on My BT for a few weeks on my PC but I can on my mobile can someone help me with why I am having issues please?

Message 2 of 7

Re: My BT login

Hi @BEERLING1970 and welcome back.

Good to see you again. Are you seeing any error messages? Have you tried changing passwords? Can you post a screen grab of what you're seeing?



Message 3 of 7

Re: My BT login

No, it doesn't matter what you click on either I have tried to click on the forgotten password and create account and does nothing at all.

Message 4 of 7

Re: My BT login

Thanks for checking that @BEERLING1970 

Please get in touch with our guides at Contact BT | Call us or chat online | BT Help or give us a call on 0330 1234 150 so we can take a look at this for you.



Message 5 of 7

Re: My BT login


Message 6 of 7

Re: My BT login

It does nothing no matter what you click


Message 7 of 7

Re: My BT login

Yes. I've had same issue on some occasions.

If you click on 'My BT' top right of website page and get that login screen

Did you enter your full email address and then click on 'Next' -

It looks like 'Next' is still a purple colour - same as background of screen which usually means it has not been clicked.

Sometimes I've had to click more than once.

Sometimes the BT website is still checking it has connections set up and you have to wait until it has proper focus.

Have you tried using different browsers? I use Firefox and generally it works ok, but clearly BT need to get on top of things.

Currently it's a pain trying to access anything to do with BT and that includes this forum. No idea what BT are up to but it's very sub standard, nothing as good as it used to be. Hopefully, they will get on top of things, but they do seem to be taking forever.

I've tried to login to see email on some occasions and get sent to bt.com webpage which is totally useless as it has no Email link, so forcing you to login to My BT which is also a hidden link - you have to scroll doen to find it and then you get back to a screen which allows to to see an 'Email' link again which might work or you may end up in a loop until it suddenly works, so I have to effectively logon several times. It's not pretty and rather infuriating.