Message 1 of 3


Hi all on Sunday evening the 2nd March both my broadband and landline went down and are still down,  the background to my unfortunate situation is as follows:- during  November 2024  I started  looking around for a competitive price for my next 2 year contract, Vodafone came out the best so I went back to BT and asked if they could beat or match it, but unfortunately they were unable to do so. So I started to go ahead with Vodaphone then BT contacted me to say they did not want to lose me so would match VPs price and they would take care of everything but I still had to speak to Vodaphone personally and let them know I no longer wished to join them ,this I did . So that was that or so I thought, my new 2 year contract started with BT on the 28th November 2024 and was running as per usual with no problems until that fateful Sunday evening 2nd March, when apparently Vodaphone started to take over my line and BT started to wave bye bye. After a lot of calls and differing stories it would appear I had been slammed by Vodaphone and they now have my line live to my house,  I now have a BT guide that keeps in touch daily but we are on day 12 and although BT gave me a 4G mini hub the signal in my wee village is patchy at best. Reading other people’s stories regarding this issue I can’t understand how it takes so long to resolve it considering the the level of disruption it causes especially to the older generation living in an area with an unreliable mobile signal. I cross my fingers every day hoping for the best.

Message 2 of 3

Re: Slamming

Have you also been in touch with Vodafone to make sure they cancel your unwanted and unauthorised contract?

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Message 3 of 3

Re: Slamming

Hi yes thanks Imjolly initially the BT guide advised to leave it with her but  when the issue was going no where she then said it may help, so on talking to Vodaphone they had no record of me in any way ie contract details and had no knowledge of my phone number/line so that drew a blank despite my insistence that they had taken over the line ! That same day BT said they had sent 28 emails to them with no response. Forgot to mention I am heading into hospital on Tuesday the 18th and would have liked all this resolved by then. Thanks again.