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Message 1 of 2

Verification emails from this forum

It's taken me two days and trying several different email addresses, all of which work perfectly, to get a verification email from this form. I finally tried my gmail address as I've found some systems won't accept email addresses to custom domains. This forum seems to be one of them. Why won't the system send emails to custom domains? I use an email address to one of my domains for all other contact with BT without issue but this forum won't accept it. 

Message 2 of 2

Re: Verification emails from this forum

Hi @monopix

Welcome and thanks for your post!

I am sorry for the problems you've had verifying your email.  I can see you got sorted with your gmail email address.  If there is a different one you'd ideally like to use, I'll be able to update that for you.

Message me privately with the mailbox you want to use and I'll get it sorted.  Click my profile >> here << and you'll see an envelope on the top right corner to send me a private message.

