I am setting up as account holder for my ageing mother.
I see from other threads on this forum that the only way to move my status on from "pending" is to post on this forum and someone from BT will help me progress from here.
Can someone help me to move to account holder status please.
you cannot change the account holder the best you are going to do is become account manager
Hi imjolly.
Thank you for coming back.
Sorry I mistyped! 😉
I meant to say that i am trying to become Account Manager and my status is pending. I need help moving on from there.
Apologies again.
Why not ask your mother if you can simply use her credentials as account holder to manage the account for her.
Hi Licquorice.
Thanks for coming back. I don't really want to do that. It's a work-around and will therefore tend to mask a problem which seems to be hampering a lot of users in a similar situation to me.
Don't you think it would be better if the system worked like it should?
But for completeness I did initially try to become account holder on her behalf, but in that case the system sent a verification email to a bt.com address which i have no knowledge of. This is a separate and additional problem that many users also seem to have with this system. I didn't mention it here as i think one problem per thread is generally enough.
Fair enough, I was just taking the pragmatic view. I understand your sentiments, but life is too short to do battle with BT's arcane systems.
Thanks Licquorice.
I took your comments in the spirit you intended them.
Thanks for the support. 🙂