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Message 1 of 23

BT Cancelling Orders

I know these forums are not run by BT, but I wonder if anyone can help or direct me somewhere that can.

Since the 08 Aug I've had 4 orders for full fibre broadband cancelled with no apparent reason. The first order prompted a visit by OR who had to pass work to the civil works guys to expose existing trunking. They have done the work but despite have 2 BT Connection team members taking ownership of this issue orders keep getting cancelled. I was persuaded on Friday 13 Sep to go through the order process with the sales team for the 3rd time, yet this morning it was cancelled yet again. Of course I've been in touch with the connection team but they can't give me an answer. It's currently with them to investigate, but I've been through all this 3 times already. 

I'm really at a loss and extremely frustrated and angry with the service so far. Is there anything else I can do bar leaving for another provider - I've been with BT for years and have always been happy with the service yet this has pushed me to the brink of leaving? What's funny is seeing other properties around me getting their full fibre installs.

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Message 2 of 23

Re: BT Cancelling Orders

Its coincidence you saying that as I ordered Full Fibre last week as got an email saying its arrived on my estate.

Install is for 19th September.

checked the status this weekend to make sure all was okay and this appeared on the top.


but I cant really tell what has been cancelled.

the only thing that looks like its related is this


everything else has a green tick or has not been completed yet.

then this pending order "auto undo" appeared whatever that is. 



according to the tracking on MyBT and Openreach everything is still to go ahead on Thursday.


In your circumstances you could snail mail the complaints dept 

BT plc PO Box 334 Sheffield S98 1BT

they will ring you back (I know this as had to complain about something this year)

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Message 3 of 23

Re: BT Cancelling Orders

I spoke again to the connection team before and they say it's something to do with BT wholesale and it can't be sorted until Fri 20 Sep - yeah OK. I had a complaint opened as OR committed date was 22/08/24 - but BT closed it lol. I raised another today. If my wife hadn't calmed me down when I was on the phone earlier I would have left BT by now.  I started all this 08/08/24, so it's 5 weeks so far and no indication when it will be done. No one really knows what's going on either, which is the most annoying thing. I've also reported this on Twitter as I read BT may react to that quicker.

:EDIT: I managed to get the email for customer complaints from X, so I've fired off a message to them.

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Message 4 of 23

Re: BT Cancelling Orders

Checked my order today and they have cancelled my Engineers visit for installation on 19th Sept but there is no explanation why. I thought it was going too smoothly. 

More Appointment information just goes to an error.




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Message 5 of 23

Re: BT Cancelling Orders

Guess what I rang BT today to ask why my order was cancelled and they told me it was due to a system error I have to ring back on FRIDAY 20th September to request a new order.


Coincidence ? We both seem to be having the same issue.

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Message 6 of 23

Re: BT Cancelling Orders

@ArtyVark  ^ Yes it appears we do. Extremely poor service. They never tell me it's cancelled either - I only find out when I check my order status online. I will speak to the connections team once more on Friday. If they can't give me a definitive answer then I'm off to Zen or Sky. 

As I had a complaint open immediately the first guy in the connections team told me (and emailed me - so I have the evidence) that I was due compensation as the OR committed date was 22 Aug. I've since found out the compensation is calculated at £6.10 per day, so for me that is x27 days  - gives £164.70 so far. Oddly I got a weird reply from CS after I sent my complaint email on Friday, but it referenced my first complaint which was supposedly closed - didn't say anything useful though. May be it's time I reminded them of the complaint clock that is ticking away. I've also got the emails of the CEOs for BT and Openreach. Whatever happens I'll be seeing this complaint through. I've also researched Ofcom's procedure for these things - only problem with them is  you can't start until after 8 weeks, but it's an option in the future.

I can't post the email address for complaints as this site won't allow it, but If you go through X and contact them they'll provide it.

Good luck

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Message 7 of 23

Re: BT Cancelling Orders


Absolutely joke.

Rang up to get Full Fibre Upgrade. BT Dundee 1st sales agent can not do it, put through to another they can not do it.

Put through to BT Lancaster Loyalty Team they can not do it because according to my account I am already on Full Fibre !!! Put through to Connections Team told I am then being put through to Data Integrations team. Thats 25 mins on the phone. On hold 5 minutes. Asks me if I have a working broadband ! Says put me on hold to check my account. 40 mins I get a txt msg on my mobile phone saying "My broadband is now ready to use". DI comes back on phone says he has fixed my account and putting me through to sales. 50 Mins Sales tries to order Full Fibre says cant due to a technical error and its going to be 3-7 days before this is fixed. I said can I be put through to DI team again. Tries do this comes back says cant do it. Takes my details and says will ring me tomorrow at 11am to see if we can get this fixed.

1hr 3 mins that was.

So when I go on my account now it says below. So my account thinks I`m on Full Fibre 500 but I`m not. Its a disgrace. Hopefully it will get sorted tomorrow but I dont hold much hope they have completely mucked up my BT account. I've documented it all so I am going to send a complaint in.



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Message 8 of 23

Re: BT Cancelling Orders


What a mess. I'm still waiting for my call, but I'm not holding out much hope. Get this one though - I first ordered this 08 Aug and I also moved my 2 mobile numbers to EE which was complete a week later amazingly enough. Anyway I got a text from BT on Wed 18 Sep saying "your mobile service for this number will stop on 14-08-24" haha - over a month later. I wonder why it's all gone so badly with BT - the EE thing maybe?

Message 9 of 23

Re: BT Cancelling Orders

Yeah I have been told there are a lot of problems with the transfer from BT to EE and they can not migrate everyone yet due to various system issues and incompatibilities between packages etc. 

I did an online chat to try and get further today and I was basically told its the "fix" has been put in place but it takes 24hrs for my account to refresh back onto the right package I was on before.

Well we shall see what happens tomorrow.

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Message 10 of 23

Re: BT Cancelling Orders

Well it came as no surprise to me, but no one called me today as promised by BT earlier this week.

I've updated my complaint email, but I'll send it on on Monday. This is taking way too much of my time and energy now. I'm thinking I have no other recourse now but to leave BT for someone else. I've been with BT for such a long time and I don't want to go, but what choice do I have.

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