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Message 1 of 5

BT FTTP Line slammed by EE

Hi all,

Just getting frustrated since I just seem to be getting no consistent on information on what to do since I keep getting fed different information on the situation. So here goes:

11th October - I get a notification that someone is trying to takeover my line (due to be taken over 21/10) and to call BT to get this cancelled, to which I do immediately, and am informed that this would be cancelled.

20th October - I get a text from Openreach saying that changes are being made to my FTTP service. To which I phone BT and tell them AGAIN, DO NOT go ahead with this takeover as I do not want it.

21st October - Suddenly find that my provider has switched to EE and now stuck on 40/10 instead of the 900/110 that I pay for. I phone BT and ask them to explain. I am told that the line takeover request was cancelled on the 11th, but never actually happened. I am told to wait 24 hours after the service goes live and to contact them again tomorrow.

22nd October - Phone again, and am now told that it can take up to 48 hours for EE to cancel the service. I am then told that BT can take up to 2 weeks to bring back the service, which in my eyes is completely unacceptable.


I did my due dilligence by calling to make sure this wouldn't happen, twice, and it failed.

Where do I stand, what do I do, and is this normal?

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Message 2 of 5

Re: BT FTTP Line slammed by EE

The timescales are normal i'm afraid, those are the ofcom guidelines for a line takeover. TBH i'm wondering if it was actually cancelled when you spoke to them as if it had been the service wouldn't have stopped (from experience in the sector people just close the takeovers without choosing the cancel option so they still go through)

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Message 3 of 5

Re: BT FTTP Line slammed by EE

Thanks for the reply Gary,

What would be the best thing to do in this situation, as I'm honestly lost as to what to do?

I work from home, and also share this connection with 5 housemates who are currently stuck on a 40Mbit connection. So cannot be without a connection (at least during the work week)

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Message 4 of 5

Re: BT FTTP Line slammed by EE


The timescales are normal i'm afraid, those are the ofcom guidelines for a line takeover.

Timescales don't apply when it's slamming.

@ItsWardyBoispeak to the FTTP team on 08005874787, get a new order raised and ask them reuse the CPE so you don't need any new equipment sent and don't have to send yours back, then ask them to escalate to the PBIS (Priority Back In Service) team, they will arrange for EE to release the line sooner and expedite your provision via the industry liason team.

Message 5 of 5

Re: BT FTTP Line slammed by EE

Just spoken to them now, they've created a new order using original equipment. But they can't do PBIS on FTTP orders yet aparrently.

Takeover date is 7th November, which is distant, but I can live with it.

I'm assuming I can talk about compensation from BT once the service resumes?

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