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Message 1 of 3

BT / Openreach Fibre Installation

I asked to move my service from my old house to the new one on the 8th of September however I am still without any broadband or fibre. Here is a timeline

The requested house move on the 8th of September took place on the 14th of September. I was sent a EE 4g router which is not working in Brighton. (terraced house)

8th of September house move initiated

14th of September moving to a new house

25th of September EE 4G router received (had to ask for it) - 4g reception by EE is however horrible so it does not work

5th of October - First Engineer appointment (was wearing Kelly services outfit). Said the tree is in the way and they cant install the fibre. The tree needs trimming. I got a 5g Router by Three as I need working broadband and internet.

19th of October - Second Engineer visit. The tree is no longer an issue however as the front of the house has a flat roof they would need scaffolding to attach the cable

The next appointment is now 24th of November. Meanwhile, Openreach has not contacted me regarding erecting scaffolding as they promised.

Still without the services from BT/Openreach - Just a warning to any other customers as the service provided is extremely poor - call centre is very sympathetic and acknowledges its all bit **bleep**.

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Message 2 of 3

Re: BT / Openreach Fibre Installation

Hi @raivo and welcome to our community.

I'm sorry there's delays in getting you connected. Is this a full fibre installation? If so, then the best way to get updates would be to call 0800 587 4787. They'll be able to contact Openreach for you to check on timescales etc.



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Message 3 of 3

Re: BT / Openreach Fibre Installation

Hi @DavidM - Yes it is full fibre. I have contacted the team several times. I think the entire experience has been rather poor and with significant delays. Wanted to share my story with others.

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