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Message 1 of 8

BT Poles

I am going to attempt one more time to get some help.

long story very short:

Broadband Contract ending March 2022 

Applied to Wightfibre for fibre to house (not available then or now from bt)

Order accepted, notice given to BT

Installation day and Wightfibre encountered a blockage underground so unable to run cable to house. 

Said they would get back to me as they could not touch the blockage as it belonged to BT.  Never got back to me. 

By this time BT had activated n my cancellation and would only consider a new Contract nearly £20 pm more than I was paying and £30 pm more than Wightfibre.

As it was only hours away from being turned off I felt I had no alternative. Please note I am not complaining ABout BT. 

I have now reached end of contract in March this year and once again approached Wightfibre who have just informed me that they are in contact with BT who are refusing to deal with the problem of the faulty pole!

what I now need to know is how can I contact BT ( I think it should be Openreach?) about this as Wightfibre are obviously not being entitely open with me and I want to take it further. Nothing to do with BT Services but I do need their imput. 

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Message 2 of 8

Re: BT Poles


what I now need to know is how can I contact BT ( I think it should be Openreach?) about this as Wightfibre are obviously not being entitely open with me and I want to take it further. Nothing to do with BT Services but I do need their imput. 

You would have to go via Wightfibre, you have or want a contract with them, they would have to liase with Openreach to get the issue resolved via their normal routes.

Openreach are not a public facing company, they deal directly with communication providers (CP's) and won't be able to help, BT also can't help because your service with them is working as expected.

Message 3 of 8

Re: BT Poles

Ok thank you but who would be responsible for clearing the blockage as Wightfibre  are saying they are waiting for BT and it has been 2 years. I would just like confirmation of who is responsible and therefore will a complaint to the ombudsman about Wightfibre. I am not considering going with them but no one else provides fibre to home and BT are just too expensive and did not tell me I could change to a social tariff mid contract when I enquired and now my contract is at an end they are only offering upgrades and no social tariff. I have search but there is nothing I can find on BT Pages only Which. 

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Message 4 of 8

Re: BT Poles

@-Richie-will probably know but I suspect Wight will have to pay Openreach to do the work & are simply unwilling to do so.

Social Tariff is called Home Essentials.

Message 5 of 8

Re: BT Poles


Ok thank you but who would be responsible for clearing the blockage as Wightfibre  are saying they are waiting for BT and it has been 2 years.

If there's no provision order raised, I doubt Openreach will be actively clearing it, there's no customer delay as you have no open order with Wightfibre and no fault to resolve.
The responsibility still lies with Wightfibre to provide the service you've ordered or will order shortly, Wightfibre will be using Physical infrastructure access (PIA) to access the Openreach network, they will have a contract with Openreach to use the Openreach network, it's down to Wightfibre to contact Openreach and follow the agreed escalation routes.

There's nothing you can do to speed this along as you have no contract with Openreach, take this up with Wightfibre as your chosen provider.



I am not considering going with them but no one else provides fibre to home and BT are just too expensive and did not tell me I could change to a social tariff mid contract when I enquired and now my contract is at an end they are only offering upgrades and no social tariff.

If you qualify for BT Home Essentials it can be done at anytime, if you're within a minimum term contract, you won't pay early termination fees either, you will need to provide your national insurance number and consent to BT checking you're eligible, if you do the order is raised instantly.

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Message 6 of 8

Re: BT Poles

I'm confused - you say first that Wightfibre reported an underground blockage that prevented running a cable to your house. But then you go onto say the BT are refusing to deal with the problem of a faulty pole.
Running the cable via a pole should be easier than trying to get it pulled through an underground duct.
Maybe approach Wightfibre again to say you want a contract with them and what exactly is the problem they're having with getting a cable to your house (pole or underground route?), and what can they do to fix this?
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Message 7 of 8

Re: BT Poles

Hi, I will try and clarify. Two years ago at the end of my contract with BT. They said they do not supply fibre to house in my area. However, a local company Wightfibre  have cabinets close to my home and do supply fibre to the house, so I placed an order with them and cancelled at the end of my contract with BT. on the day of installation white fibre arrived and their access point is on the pavement at the end of my drive. All well and good until they tried to put the cable from there through to my house which goes underground they encountered a blockage about 2 feet in. said they could go no further until they contacted BT as that underground area belong to them. A week or so later they informed me BT were not interested in clearing the blockage and so unfortunately white fibre could go no further.


As I was now out of contract and out of time I had to reinstall my BT broadband package at a grossly inflated rate nearly £20 a month more expensive than either the previous contract price I was paying and the price of white fibre had quoted me  

Fast forward to now two years later, And I approached white fibre as I required fibre to the house and BT do not provide this. This time without visiting white fibre firstly told me there was nothing they could do as there was a problem with a pole in the area the first I’ve heard of this as they have accessed this point at the end of my drive to connect several other homes in the area with no problems. So I created this and they then told me yes there was a problem with the pole don’t know where that is and that BT will not allow them to clear the blockage or deal with the problem pole. I just seem to be hitting a brick wall. No pun intended. Every way I turn as I cannot get a definitive answer as to whether BT is blocking the clearance of the line or whether there is a problem with the pole or both and now Wightfibre will talk to me no longer just blaming BT. 

I just want fibre to the house which is 10 feet away or a reasonably good service from someone  ON my BT it is just offering to renew my Contract when it expires but I just cannot afford their prices so my question is IF they are blocking Wightfibre how can I believe Wightfibre and what is the reason BT are refusing to help as I have been told on here they will not help as there is no problem with their service?

I do not feel I am being unreasonable because there is a problem but what exactly is it and how do I find out who is not being truthful so I can proceed further. 

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Message 8 of 8

Re: BT Poles


this has nothing to do with BT RETAIL as the post and the ducting are property of openreach hence why BT RETAIL are not interested in your problems.  it is up to wight fibre to get and pay openreach to clear the ducting but it appears they are not prepared to help you but in turn blame 'BT'

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