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Message 1 of 9

Broadband and landline

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We have recently had Full Fibre 900 with Halo3 Broadband installed including a Digital Home Phone and the idea was to reduce cost by diching the landline thus saving £219.89 a year. We have found out that it does not work like that.

We would be grateful for advice on diching the landline and finding the cheapest 'line rental' that we will still have to pay.

Its all very confusing.


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Message 2 of 9

Re: Broadband and landline

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Ditching the voice service would only result in a reduction if you're paying for a calling plan. The line rental part also covers the rental of the line to deliver the broadband too

Message 3 of 9

Re: Broadband and landline

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You still have to pay for the rental of the fibre connection whether you want a phone service or not.

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Message 4 of 9

Re: Broadband and landline

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When BT talk about the "landline" they are referring to a "Landline telephone" not the line that delivers the broadband to your property. This is regardless of what type of broadband you have whether it is via copper or fibre and is also regardless of what type of phone you have whether it is Digital Voice or the "normal" phone.

If you decide to drop the "landline" what you are doing is dropping the telephone part of your package. Depending on what type of phone package you have you will save the amount of that call package and you will not be able to make or receive telephone calls. This includes using a Digital Phone.

You could just change your call package to a Pay as you Go package.  You will be able to receive calls as well as make them with this package which will cost you £5 per month plus the price of any calls you make. It is free to receive calls.

 The cost of the line that delivers the broadband to your property is included in the cost of your broadband package. It can not be done away with and it is not billed separately.

Message 5 of 9

Re: Broadband and landline

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Distinguished Sage.

Thank you, I appreciate your clarification of the problem that I had, I will now ensure that the call package that we have is a Pay as you Go package.

Many thanks, Diolch.


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Message 6 of 9

Re: Broadband and landline

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Helo @JED1 

Cofiwch bod cymorth i'w gael mewn gyfrwng y gymraeg:

Mae BT wedi buddsoddi’n helaeth mewn gwasanaethau Cymraeg ac ers 1994 wedi dilyn polisi dwyieithog gwirfoddol - a ganmolwyd gan gyrff ar draws y wlad am ei ymroddiad i gefnogi iaith a chymunedau Cymru.

  • Biwro Cymraeg - ar gyfer cwsmeriaid preswyl sydd am holi BT am wasanaethau prynu, namau, biliau preswyl neu am fand-llydan 0800 800 288
  • Gwasanaeth ymholiadau rhifau ffôn Cymraeg 118 404
  • Staff Cymraeg yn gweithio gyda gwasanaeth cysylltydd 100, gwasanaeth brys 999 a gwasanaeth cysylltydd rhyngwladol 155



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Message 7 of 9

Re: Broadband and landline

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Diolch, fe nai gofioam hyn y tro nesa.
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Message 8 of 9

Re: Broadband and landline

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efallai na chewch chi unrhyw help gan y fforwm os postiwch eich ymholiad yn Gymraeg

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Message 9 of 9

Re: Broadband and landline

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I probably would not have responded had you asked in Welsh. Not that I have anything against Welsh speakers just that I could not be bothered to translate everything.

and for Welsh speakers

Mae'n debyg na fyddwn wedi ymateb pe baech wedi gofyn yn Gymraeg. Nid bod gen i unrhyw beth yn erbyn Cymry Cymraeg dim ond na allwn i gael fy mhoeni i gyfieithu popeth.

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