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Message 41 of 46

Re: Broadband upgrade turned into disaster

ECR dealing

Hi @WillC9999  - My colleague who called you earlier is a member of that team and is keeping personal ownership of your complaint until everything is resolved.

All the best,


Message 42 of 46

Re: Broadband upgrade turned into disaster

Means nothing to me but somebody’s ‘liked’ it so I assume it’s a good thing, thank you.


0 Ratings
Message 43 of 46

Re: Broadband upgrade turned into disaster

ECR = Executive Customer Relations.


The team that can make anything happen that needs to before complaint or customer leaves because the customer service team failed to resolve.

Message 44 of 46

Re: Broadband upgrade turned into disaster

well nice of ECR to show up. After 2 weeks…

0 Ratings
Message 45 of 46

Re: Broadband upgrade turned into disaster - THE END

So, the upshot of it all is that BT have proved themselves to be a disgrace. After my line was unnecessarily disconnected and being without broadband for over 3 weeks, and then having to sign on again as a new customer, and this not being expedited in any meaningful way despite having being shafted royally, and then finding out my previous 270Mb service has been discontinued and replaced with an 80mb service for the *same price*, my case was then 'taken on' by someone who didn't listen, repeatedly talked over me, attempted to misinform and bully me into thinking I was getting more for my money (not true, and when challenged this pathetic attempt was withdrawn) and then even had the temerity to suggest there might be a penalty for *leaving*!

Well leave I have, to Virgin, who have provided my with 1Gb for almost half the price. I'm not naïve that Virgin's customer service will be amazing but thus far they have turned up on time, done what they said and been entirely professional. 

BT have paid automated compensation for lost days. That's it. 14 hours on the phone, mainly to people who either could not help, did not understand the problem, or in the last case, were downright unpleasant. I think it unlikely I will return.

The cynic in me wonders if BT are deliberately using contract renewal ('upgrade') as a way to push people from g-fast to the much slower service. Even if this is an Openreach thing, it could have been handled very much better - 'sorry, we have to reduce you speed 3 fold, but are offering you half price service until we can get fibre to you house'. 

Thanks to those offering advice and help, I hope you fare better. 





0 Ratings
Message 46 of 46

Re: Broadband upgrade turned into disaster - THE END

Sorry to hear this, a month later I now have my connection re-established and a new digital phone line and number.

Same experience. I was moved from 150mbps to 70mbps for the same money. If I had told BT to stick it I could have got 150mbps with Sky like I had before. I am still tempted to cancel as I am 3 days in and not happy with the latency I am seeing.

Now I can't use my alarm system without buying extra hardware or replacing my expensive quality router with BT/ ee bufferbloat laden hardware.