Message 1 of 2


Hi, all I've had a problem with my services for a long time possibly 2 years, my broadband router constantly cutting out up to 4 or 5 times a night 3 or 4 days week, I first mentioned this to BT who did checks their end and found nothing and was just given a replacement hub. But still the problem continued and I just got on with it as I'm on the basic package but until last week it got extremely bad and was disconnecting from morning to night hub going from blue to orange every 2 minutes. Anyway I had a BT engineer come out yesterday and apparently it's not the hub but the external copper line. He told me he's not qualified for those repairs so another engineer would be in touch but nothing. I had to contact BT this morning through live chat. To cut this ending short apparently I'm getting charged for last months billing period and some compensation will be added onto the next bill? I just think that's very poor taste I've had dodgy Internet for possibly 2 years and the compensation will be for my limited broadband service between now and when the new engineer arrives on Monday. And added to that I was twice now been offered full fibre broadband which I refused as I'm trying to keep my bills down not up and then offered mobile deals. 

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Message 2 of 2

Re: Compensation

Automatic compensation is due if a total loss of service lasted for more that two days ( so you don’t qualify ) , if your service is intermittent, although it’s usually a speed issue that allows you to leave a contractual obligation penalty free , you could use this intermittent service as reason to be allowed to leave , provided you have documented the issues by reporting the problem,each time it happens , if you haven’t reported it each time then you can’t ‘prove’ your issues and certainly can’t expect 2 years worth of compensation, your current ( documented ) problem attracts compensation, you previous issues don’t as no problem was accepted, if it were really such an issue you should have continued to report the problem.

FTTP is no more expensive than FTTC/ADSL and much more reliable, so if your copper service is causing you issues, then the solution is pretty clear , move to FTTP , if you don’t and decide to leave BT because of this ( or because your ‘claim’ for more compensation isn’t considered ) it’s almost certain that the new company will use FTTP anyway .

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