I placed an order for full fibre back in 18Dec24 - after about a week or so it showed that we would need an engineer to visit outside to run the fibre to the building - which I understand. Since then the order tracker has shown that the engineer is coming today, then the next day - today and so on - this has been for nearly a month now - and as yet - no engineer has rolled up. So instead of simply showing me when it isn't going to happen could you actually let me know when it is going to happen? you must have some idea - don't mind if it moves I understand these things but this month worth of rolling daily isn't really helping - thnx
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You could check your SNN ( survey network note ) on this site , using your address
If it says something like this
Our records show the following FTTP network service information for these premises:-Single Dwelling Unit Residential UG Feed partial DIG , then excavation is needed that may be expensive and require permits etc and could introduce significant delay , what does your address show ?
Our records show the following FTTP network service information for these premises:-Single Dwelling Unit Residential UG Feed Not Evaluated.
1732 🙂
Unusual for property that old to not be fed overhead or cable on wall if it’s a part of a terrace, unless it’s a detached or ‘stately home’ type of deal the feed is similar the the way mains electricity is delivered …..it’s no surprise that the underground feed is unevaluated with a property this old there is a decent chance the existing copper was put underground without anything being recorded , delays may be for reasons such as if the address is listed or any type of ‘preservation’ requirement by the council as an example the footpath were cobbles rather than more modern types , asphalt or pavers , if a situation like that the council may make the reinstatement so expensive that providers simply walk away