Just got this email today sent to my correct contact address and quoting the correct last four digits of my account number.
But I am *not* enjoying my shiny new broadband. I am still enjoying my attractively patinaed old broadband and it is not up for renewal for several months. Would a mod care to reassure me or confirm my suspicions one way or another please?
Hi @gomezz and thanks for posting.
This is most certainly a scam so just delete it. As you've mentioned you haven't made any changes to your service.
Which begs the question where did they get my BT contact email address and account number from?
I share your concerns @gomezz .
It's worth reporting this so forward as an attachment to phishing@bt.com.
I've also just received this to my BTID email address, also with the correct last four digits of my account number. Certainly appears to be a genuine BT email as it links directly to offers on BT.com. But as @gomezz, why I'm receiving it is a mystery...