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Message 1 of 19

Expiring BT Landline and Broadband contract.

Currently like most BT customers, I have a contract for Broadband and Landline calls which comes to an end in 59 days and counting.
I don't want ANY upgrades that renewing a contract with BT involves; I am quite happy with my current landline offer and ADSL Broadband until such time that the latter ceases.
What will happen if I don't renew my contract for say another 18/24 months, can I go onto a rolling 30 day contract but still keep some of my existing benefits?
I have had two telephone calls since December, from what i think is BT sales somewhere in Hertfordshire, probably Stevenage, the last one being yesterday. The first call in December was the hassling, bullying one whereupon I found myself saying 'yes' to an upgrade to BT Fibre 2, plus a Smart Hub 2. The male operator in question read out all the t's and c's in ultra rapid succession and when I had put down the phone I felt drained but thought that I'm not being hassled like this and phoned back and cancelled the orders involved.
The call yesterday, with a female sales lady was broadly similar in that it was about my current contract ending in March. I said, with more information to hand thanks to BT Community, that I was not renewing my contract for another 24 months and intended to continue with a rolling 30 day one. The lady said that I might not be able to continue with my 700 free mins of monthly calls but would have to go unlimited but she wasn't that positive. I was inevitably asked the question as to why I would not want to be upgraded to Fibre BB to which I gave her the inevitable answer.
So broadly, what happens now if I don't take up another 'long term' contract?

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Message 2 of 19

Re: Expiring BT Landline and Broadband contract.

All that will happen is that you will continue as you are but lose any discounts you may have had.

Message 3 of 19

Re: Expiring BT Landline and Broadband contract.

As stated , if your minimum term expires and you do nothing , you can quit with 30 days notice or join another provider without any Early Termination Charges , but your discounts ( if you have any ) will likely stop , normally when you took the deal that’s about to expire you would be told what the price after the discount and minimum term ends is , obviously price wouldn’t include the annual price rises  , so for arguments sake if the deal was a discount to £30 a month for 24 months , normal price £40 , then the £40 may now be something like  15% more than £40 as 2 CPI +3.9% price increases will have taken place .

FYI , the 700mins call plan isn’t normally free , so if the deal you had gave you that for free , then that will likely become a charged for calls plan , the confusion about possibility having to take unlimited calls coukd be that the only call plan options seem to be  PAYG or unlimited, the 700 mins seems to have disappeared from the website 

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Message 4 of 19

Re: Expiring BT Landline and Broadband contract.

I can confirm that, at least since December, the only Digital Voice plans available for standard calls are Pay as you Go, and Unlimited.

If you currently have a plan like Unlimited Evenings and Weekends you cannot retain them if you recontract.

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Message 5 of 19

Re: Expiring BT Landline and Broadband contract.

I could be wrong, but I think legacy call plans still remain when contract ends and continue unchanged unless you recontract.

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Message 6 of 19

Re: Expiring BT Landline and Broadband contract.

Yes they do - I kept unlimited Evenings and Weekends for two years after my contract ended, and for some time after it stopped being available to order.

If a sales person is uncertain about something, start doubting!

I decided to cancel DV completely when I recontracted as the options were only PAYG and Unlimited calls. The situation regarding that is the subject of another thread….

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Message 7 of 19

Re: Expiring BT Landline and Broadband contract.

Ive always contraxted with Unlimited Anytime calls for which i then used to pay an additional monthly charge of about £7 but naturally this increased over time. Sometime in the last two years i had a phone call from sales offering me 700 minutes, as according to their records this would be more suited to my needs based on their records, which it has been. I currently pay about £124/quarter.

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Message 8 of 19

Re: Expiring BT Landline and Broadband contract.

"I decided to cancel DV completely when I recontracted as the options were only PAYG and Unlimited calls"
Curious to know why you did this. Cancelling the DV completely only gives you around £3 per month discount and, if you select PAYG, you only pay for calls as you make them.
I had to make this choice when I was moved to DV and it seemed worth keeping my old phone number since I make virtually no outgoing calls so it won't cost me more than £3/month.
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Message 9 of 19

Re: Expiring BT Landline and Broadband contract.

Curious to know why you did this. Cancelling the DV completely only gives you around £3 per month discount and, if you select PAYG, you only pay for calls as you make them.
I had to make this choice when I was moved to DV and it seemed worth keeping my old phone number since I make virtually no outgoing calls so it won't cost me more than £3/month.

You sound like the BT guide who suggested earlier this evening that I should just forget about the £3!

The point is that the only people who phone us on the landline any more are scammers. All important people & organisations (doctors, dentists, hospital etc.) want to use mobile numbers nowadays.

We have unlimited calls and good coverage on our mobiles so there is absolutely no point in keeping DV. The last remaining reason for keeping a landline - making calls in a power cut - disappeared when we were forced onto DV.

And on principle why pay £3 a month (£72 over a 24 month contract) on something you have absolutely no use for?

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Message 10 of 19

Re: Expiring BT Landline and Broadband contract.

PS. Anyone with WiFi calling on their mobile effectively has Digital Voice in their house already as part of their mobile contract. You are effectively paying £3 a month just because of inertia - i.e. not wanting to make the change from a number you have used for decades.

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