Message 1 of 4

Fibre 1

I have been waiting since 18July to recontract. I had been advised to have fibre 1 installed because the copper wires are being made redundant.Since then, nothing but trouble. I was informed there would be no problems having fibre installed. Al I have had is problems. Promised engineer visits that never materialise. There has been no problem for EE who is now charging me for a service that is not even installed in my property although I have been credited with £8 of my bill so far. I had a text off Open Reach with a vague suggestion that some one will visit within a few days but that was just pie in the sky, no such visit. Not sure who to contact to try and shake these people up but this situation cannot continue for ever.

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Message 2 of 4

Re: Fibre 1

I would call them up and see what is happening with the contract and order.  As openreach have text you they must know something.

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Message 3 of 4

Re: Fibre 1

From your post you appear to be an EE customer so you need to post here https://community.ee.co.uk/

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Message 4 of 4

Re: Fibre 1

Open reach claim they could not find my house yet when they knocked at my door I was not in. Quite a good trick I thought.

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