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Message 1 of 12

Forced switchover from BT to EE account

I rang BT this week for help in continuing with my (then) current Broadband / landline deal.  Rather than helping me do this, the agent switched me to an upgraded EE account, without providing me with full details of the implications.  I accept BT packages will probably soon disappear, but I wanted to keep mine as long as possible.  I'm told if I cancel my new EE  package and revert to BT I will be treated as a new customer and probably lose my current landline number.  I am very angry at not being given clear information about what I have signed up to and wonder if anyone has had a similar experience or advice on how I proceed.  BT / EE (the same call centre) say they do not escalate complaints, only record them for feedback purposes.  At the moment, they cannot even meet my request of emailing / posting my new contract details, so I still have nothing in writing about an agreed discount or the full T&Cs attached to the contract.

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Message 2 of 12

Re: Forced switchover from BT to EE account

Unfortunately such reports are almost a daily occurance now.

Just use your cooling off period to switch to another provider. As long as you chooe one that offers telephony (not all do), there's no reason why you should lose your number. Although that can never be guaranteed.

Message 3 of 12

Re: Forced switchover from BT to EE account

try contacting the retention team and see if they can sort things out for you  08007831401

if still no help then try links here to complain

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Message 4 of 12

Re: Forced switchover from BT to EE account


Thank you so much for your suggestions.   I have downloaded the relevant booklet via the link and will ring the number you provided.  A shame my "guides" at BT/EE (same call agents whichever number you dial) didn't explain any complaint options.  They insisted any complaint they took from me would be opened / closed immediately and only used for "feedback purposes".  I know many will ask what I am complaining about here, when I appear to have been placed on a better package, but it's just not what I asked for, or for which am able to receive written contract details.  For some reason, their emails are not being delivered and apparently it is impossible for them to print off and send by post.

BTW - still can't see how to give "Thumbs Up" for responses - where on "left hand side"?

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Message 5 of 12

Re: Forced switchover from BT to EE account

you were on the wrong board so have move your posts/replies to the billing board 

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Message 6 of 12

Re: Forced switchover from BT to EE account

Got it!
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Message 7 of 12

Re: Forced switchover from BT to EE account


Thank you for your suggestion.  I rang the number you provided and, unfortunately, got no further with my complaint. Okay, I might not have a strong point, having been switched to a package which claims to offer better connection speeds than I was getting on my old BT package, and at the same price.  My main remaining issues are that it was not explained clearly to me that I DID have an option of keeping my old BT account for the time being  (instead of being switched to an EE one).  Also, that their agents / guides do not mention any options regarding the escalation of a complaint: whether that is to a dedicated Complaints Office, or to OFCOM.  In spite of constantly interrupting ME, the person I just spoke to insisted I had been very rude to HIM in not giving him the chance to respond to my points!  He said he worked for BT, but seemed very much part of the EE set up, which does not appear to be customer friendly at all.  Finally, he said I COULD go back to BT (under the 14 day cooling off period), but would be probably wasting my time as my account could be switched to an EE one at any time, regardless.  As I'd already been advised I might lose my current landline number if I reverted to a BT account, I think I'll have to shut up and accept no real damage has been done and that (as he effectively implied) I've made much ado about nothing!

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Message 8 of 12

Re: Forced switchover from BT to EE account

Morning @longview1 

Thanks for coming to the community and I am very sorry to read about your experience. 

You can find details on our complaints, in the Codes of practice - Our governance & policy - Policy & regulation - About BT and ways you can make a complaint. 



Message 9 of 12

Re: Forced switchover from BT to EE account

I got a new deal/contract yesterday.  I asked if this was with EE or BT and she told me she was keeping me on my BT account. So I was not forced to switch like some others.

Message 10 of 12

Re: Forced switchover from BT to EE account



Thank you for your response, Leanne.  I do feel your guides / agents either need more training and/or have documentation to hand whereby they can make customers directly aware of your complaints procedure.  I spoke to three BT/EE employees, two saying they were only in the position to open/close a complaint at the same time and the third that I would be wasting my time complaining elsewhere because I would only receive the same outcome: i.e., my comments would be noted, but would I would receive no response.  This is not good customer service, regardless of how trivial a complaint might be regarded.

I was interested to read in a further response here (from @Copbear ) that at least some of your agents appear willing to offer an option regarding contracts. As I think I have made clear, I merely rang for advice in extending my (then) current contract, so should have been allowed to retain my old BT account (as was Copbear's experience) instead of being told I had no option than to switch to EE.

Thanks again for the link.



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