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Message 11 of 16

Re: HELP!! OpenReach can't find my solution after a month

When the landlord converted the barn they should have registered it as a separate address with the local council and the Royal Mail. (Like a new build house on an empty plot)

This would then create the UPRN, the address database entry and the Openreach system would then create a NAD key.  You are trying to do everything backwards and it will be a pain to get sorted.

Speak to the landlord, they should sort this out for you.

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Message 12 of 16

Re: HELP!! OpenReach can't find my solution after a month

HI Tony

Thank you for your reply. I have been on to the letting agent and the landlord, as I realised this last week when I was asked for a UPRN.  It is all in motion, but looks like it will take months to resolve.  I was posting to see if there was a work around in the meantime.  The other properties have broadband, it's the first time this unit has needed it as it was used by the farm for storage.  It's so frustrating!

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Message 13 of 16

Re: HELP!! OpenReach can't find my solution after a month

It shouldn’t take that long once they register it and you get a UPRN assigned as it sounds as though everything else is in place. 
Make sure your landlord has all the details (address registered with the Royal Mail (make sure everything is spelt correctly), details from your order and a NAD key if you have one) when they apply.

Message 14 of 16

Re: HELP!! OpenReach can't find my solution after a month

Is this property liable for   its own council tax  ? ,does it meet the minimum requirement for a habitable dwelling ( like have its own running water  ( and corresponding account with the water company  )  for example ? If it doesn’t meet these minimum standards then there is no requirement for anyone to offer fixed line services .

Presumably the address you have used  both with the DSL checker and when trying to arrange service with BT is just the farm address , that ultimately won’t work , if you get an engineer visit the order effectively is for a line into the farmhouse not outbuildings within the farm boundary, if it’s impossible to get from that main building to where you rent ( which it has to be said appears to be somewhat of an unofficial sublet ) there probably will be excess construction costs , unless ( depending on the distance between the farmhouse and this outbuilding ) the farmer is prepared to provide  the means ( like digging a trench and installation of duct ) to get a cable between the two , and in that case your ‘line’ would be ordered for the main building ( as a 2nd or 3rd line depending on how many the farmer already has ) and your line would be more like an extension from a phone line in the farmhouse ……TBH , what you are asking is not really any different to having a caravan in a field of the farm , utility company have no obligation to service those type of locations , it’s no wonder the address doesn’t show ( it wouldn’t really be a dwelling ) and the orders ultimately get cancelled .

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Message 15 of 16

Re: HELP!! OpenReach can't find my solution after a month



Thanks for your response.  It is let through an agent, there are 4 other rented properties in the courtyard, so it is an official dwelling.  Has water and electricity and has been occupied before. The issue seems to be that over time, the building has had different uses, and has always used the address of the farm.  Council tax is through the local authority.  The only issue that I have, despite it having an address on Royal Mail,  is that OpenReach don't seem to have it on their records, this is the frustration as I can't seem to find a solution.  Neither the letting agent or the landlord have encountered this problem with their other lets. The other properties have broadband, all properties are joined as were once a stable block.  There seems to be no rationale or logical explanation. 

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Message 16 of 16

Re: HELP!! OpenReach can't find my solution after a month

It’s never had it’s own address and has always used the farms main address, that’s why you are in the predicament you find yourself in now.

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