Message 1 of 7

Halo3 - Am i just pouring money down the drain

So I've had a mesh setup since Feb of this year (Deco X90) and been working like a charm.  Very strong Wi-Fi signal and speed throughout the house.  Since then the Smart Hub, Complete Wi-fi discs and Hybrid connect have been gathering dust.

I'm on a Halo 3 package and now starting to think, am i just throwing money away given complete wi-fi is £10 a month, Hybrid Connect is roughly £8 a month, when you are looking to add to your package as a new customer.  I also have no mobile contract with BT.  My understanding is you are effectively renting the discs and hybrid from BT.

My contract isn't up until May 2025, but given I'm not using any of the above services, is there a way to get them removed from my cost and just return them.  I went through chat before but feel I was being palmed off.  Am I right in assuming my broadband package is Broadband cost + Disc/Hybrid halo 4 Cost (even if it it isn't broken down that way).  As Halo was an "add-on", can I not ask for this to be removed ?

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Message 2 of 7

Re: Halo3 - Am i just pouring money down the drain

Apologies, can someone move this to the Billing Thread (not sure how)

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Message 3 of 7

Re: Halo3 - Am i just pouring money down the drain

You will have been sold these extras to provide unbreakable broadband but they're basically high profit margin products for BT/EE. 

Unfortunately, it's very much a case of "buyer beware" and doing your research before saying yes. But saying that, BT/EE sales teams seem reluctant to provide broadband without these add ons so I'd imagine they're heavily weighted in staff targets.

Message 4 of 7

Re: Halo3 - Am i just pouring money down the drain

Can I remove Halo at Contract End ?

Message 5 of 7

Re: Halo3 - Am i just pouring money down the drain

You can try but they'll make it extremely hard for you to do so. 

Message 6 of 7

Re: Halo3 - Am i just pouring money down the drain

Ok, thanks.  I fully anticipate them playing hard ball, but surely at end of contract, I can ask them for whatever I want, not what they want.  I'm not using these products, hence why am I "renting them".  I wouldn't continue to pay rent on a house I wasn't living in 🙂

The only Halo benefit that remains is a tech expert and its not worth the added expense for just that.

Will do some more t's and 's digging between now and contract end to be ready.  It will be a PITA to move provider, but not something I would be afraid to do rather than continuing to pay money out needlessly.

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Message 7 of 7

Re: Halo3 - Am i just pouring money down the drain

@alan_mc I thought it's be a PITA but we stayed on the Openreach network and it was ridiculously straightforward...