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Message 1 of 13

Has anyone moved to EE Broadband Mid Contract and What Happens?

I dont want to rehash something thats been asked before, hence sticking this in the lounge hoping for the right kind of feedback.

The reason for my interest is because there are features like Ultra Boost that are going to be available only to EE Broadband customers, even though its an EE TV thing....and I have EE TV. (Thanksssss)

Currently I have a good deal with BT and about 18 months left on my contract.

Big Sport on EETV Box Pro
HD/UHD Addon

The discounts I have applied are mostly just new customer prices I was able to get for FTTP900 and Big Sport.

Everyones experience is unique so I dont expect someone to tell whats going to happen and have to put their money on it, I just trying to gather what the expected experience is, all I see here are pretty poor examples but surely some folks moved over fine?

My questions are ultimately around the following:

1: What pricing model can I expect, does it have relevance to my existing deal?
My existing deal is pretty nice, it wouldnt be worth canning that for ultraboost alone

2: What happens to the connectivity during the switch?
I use my own router and I know the PPPOE creds are the same for BT and EE, so will I even notice a switch?

3: To switch do I just call up and ask CS?


Any thoughts welcome, quite interested if anyone had a positive experience whilst moving mid contract from BT to EE?




BT900 | Nokia ONT | Ubiquiti ER-X | EETV Box Pro (IP Mode) | Unifi CK2 | 6x Unifi U6+ | 2x Unifi SAK Ultra
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Message 2 of 13

Moving to EE from BT Mid Contract - Didnt go through with it.....increased pricing

As some of you are aware I am very excited about UHD Sport coming to EETV, however as a BT Broadband customer...this UHD addon will not be available to me.

Also, as some of you are aware, it seems there is a gently push for BT customers to migrate to EE...but mainly I want that UHD sky sports addon.....

I thought it might be best to open up an old complaints correspondence chain I had, I hoped if I got through to the same person who handled my BT contract I would be able to trust the process. I didnt get the same person but indeed I did get someone from that team have a look for me.

Long story short it will cost me more to move because I am in contract.

Currently I pay BT £87.99

Full Fibre 900 = 46.99
Big Sport = 35.00
HD Addon = 6.00
I hoped I could just shift to EE, allowing me to get the UHD addon when it appears and surely just pay the same, if the incentive is to migrate then surely I wouldnt have to pay more....
It was £10 more, I was quote £97 for the same stuff, basically because my EETV part was going to be more expensive, this is particularly peculiar considering I am already an EETV customer (billed by BT) and all I want to move is the broadband, I was told the broadband was the same price to move but the EETV would go up because there isnt any offers on now. But there is, Big Sport is infact exactly the same price at £35 over at EE.....then I was told it was because there was too long left on my BT contract still which I opened in Feb 2024.
So I decided against it, 10 quid isnt a huge deal but im not going to spend money for nothing, and this was via the executive complaint teams, they were unable to provide me with the current new customer pricing at EE, even though they were handling the request under a new mail ID.
Dont get me wrong, I get the point that I am in contract with well over a year left with BT and to terminate there would be a any contract, but surely migrating to EE that part wouldnt have any effect?

Anyway, there we have it, my experience with migrating (not) to EE, if I want those EE prices I will need to settle my BT contract, have downtime then sign up with EE. Obviously im not going to do that or spend a tenner extra a month for nothing.
BT900 | Nokia ONT | Ubiquiti ER-X | EETV Box Pro (IP Mode) | Unifi CK2 | 6x Unifi U6+ | 2x Unifi SAK Ultra
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Message 3 of 13

Re: Moving to EE from BT Mid Contract - Didnt go through with it.....increased pricing

I had a look at how much it would cost us for the equivalent package on EE a while ago and worked out that we would actually save money ( not much though). The only thing is that we still wouldn’t be able to get FTTP here. I’m very reluctant to move until I’m satisfied that we wouldn’t end up losing access to services that we are paying for, due to the almighty mess that BT/EE have made with their ordering systems. So we’d save a small amount on our package and pay extra for Sky Sports UHD ( when it’s finally available). Is it worth it? I’m not so sure. However, if they want BT customers to move over to EE they’ve got to have an incentive and making them pay more for the same service isn’t the way to do it.

We had a letter from Virgin Media a couple of weeks ago telling us that they are going to be cabling our road up very soon. We had an AltNet digging the village up at the beginning of the year as well, so that’s a consideration too. We’ve still got 16 months to go on our contract with BT, and to be fair, we hardly ever have any problems, and when we do they fix them very quickly.

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Message 4 of 13

Re: Has anyone moved to EE Broadband Mid Contract and What Happens?

Whatever you do dont switch. Its a car crash at the moment so many issues.

BT have several call centres around the UK and none of them are at the same level of knowledge with regards to BT > EE.

Also the integrated systems dont work properly, if you are on Halo 3 often you cant migrate as their system wont let you.

Believe me I've spent 9 months dealing with BT and I (touch wood) managed to get full fibre ordered without going to EE and unless you are forced to stay with BT. 

Message 5 of 13

Re: Moving to EE from BT Mid Contract - Didnt go through with it.....increased pricing

@Brucemeister5 the point is for us all, for some reason we dont get access to the listed prices, if I migrated to EE I would suddenly have to pay a tenner more for TV, even though if you are a new customer you can pay a tenner less....Wasnt the case for broadband, which I could maintain at 42 makes no sense as the Broadband is the only part that technically needs regrading, as I already have EETV....

Ive seen people say the same thing, IE, we are the same company or not the same when it suits. Seems in my case because I am in contract with BT with 18months left a migration to EE will not be favourable, but the point is to migrate everyone...

Ill be sticking where I am, just have to miss UHD.

BT900 | Nokia ONT | Ubiquiti ER-X | EETV Box Pro (IP Mode) | Unifi CK2 | 6x Unifi U6+ | 2x Unifi SAK Ultra
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Message 6 of 13

Re: Moving to EE from BT Mid Contract - Didnt go through with it.....increased pricing

@naylor2006 I hadn’t gone as far as speaking to anyone and getting a quote as I have no intention of moving to EE at the moment. We’ve got Halo 3+ which is available on EE in individual components . We’ve also got a Family SIM with BT Mobile which is out of contract and we have resisted every attempt to move us to EE Mobile for the last 3 years. We’ve also got a massive discount on the Full Works  EETV package. So we’re staying exactly where we are even if Sky UHD becomes available on EE. We will just miss out. We are stuck on FTTC anyway. A lot can change in the next year or so and hopefully the new EE ordering system will deliver everything that it promises. We have another 16 months to run on our contract. Otherwise I can see plenty of customers currently with BT moving elsewhere. 

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Message 7 of 13

Re: Moving to EE from BT Mid Contract - Didnt go through with it.....increased pricing

Yeah I have around the same contract length left, there is no need to move at all other than UHD Sky Sports, which I think ill just have to suck up, I'm not going to pay EE 10 quid more a month just to be billed by them. I hold out some slim hope that the UHD addon will make its way to BT somehow anyway.....

My package is very simple, no HALO and no mobile and no other addons, I have BB (FTTP) and EETV, the exact same packages are there at EE for the exact same prices that I currently pay, even though when I signed up for BT I got the Big Sport discounted price.....that discounted price is there at EE.

So, maybe I am naive to think that regrading to EE would just result in the same bill when in reality they want to charge me a tenner more for EETV.

Above all of that, I think the sad thing is, and has been indicated via posts on here, that once my contract is up and I want to renew with EE as a 'New Customer', I wont be so wont have access to new customer prices even though they are supposed to be separate ISP's.

Its a weird dilemma, if you are with BT and want to move to EE, because they are the 'same' company your home address wont be treated as a new customer, even if you give a new email address, which I did. On the other hand because they are 'separate' companies if you want to regrade to EE the fact you have remaining contract time with BT this will still penalize you for leaving. Dumb.

BT900 | Nokia ONT | Ubiquiti ER-X | EETV Box Pro (IP Mode) | Unifi CK2 | 6x Unifi U6+ | 2x Unifi SAK Ultra
0 Ratings
Message 8 of 13

Re: Moving to EE from BT Mid Contract - Didnt go through with it.....increased pricing

@naylor2006 The EETV app now asks you to specify whether you are using EE or BT broadband. I take that as a clear sign that Sky UHD won’t be coming to those of us with BT broadband. It’s never done that hitherto and would allow them to load up different EPG info to suit.

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Message 9 of 13

Re: Moving to EE from BT Mid Contract - Didnt go through with it.....increased pricing

Not overly sure thats a sign, although ive not seen the option you are referring to yet.

I dont really get it, EETV is EETV, my EPG is all branded as EETV, there will be no difference to where my multicast subscription streams come from whether I am a BT or EE customer, in the same way as there is no difference in broadband, its literally just billing. So with that said, I cant actually see a challenge and therefore a reason, to not allowing us to addon an Ultra Boost subscription, in fact I wouldnt be surprised if the channels were even there for us also, just we have no mechanism of enabling them.

We will see, we are a third of the way into the season now and still no progress.

BT900 | Nokia ONT | Ubiquiti ER-X | EETV Box Pro (IP Mode) | Unifi CK2 | 6x Unifi U6+ | 2x Unifi SAK Ultra
0 Ratings
Message 10 of 13

Re: Moving to EE from BT Mid Contract - Didnt go through with it.....increased pricing

If you delete the EETV app and reinstall it you should be asked whether you are on EE or BT broadband. They won’t need to ask the question for your tv box as they will already know from your broadband connection, and will be able to load different EPGs accordingly. It makes sense to me, but I don’t get why they would do that either.

I think that the whole issue of making Ultra Boost available on EETV is probably much more complex than any of us have been able to understand, and that’s why it’s taking so long.

I forced a software update on our box last night btw. The homepage looks different with your most watched subscription channels on a separate line. The mechanism for deleting recordings is now clearer too, particularly where you are deleting a recording from a series and haven’t watched the rest of the series yet.

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