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Message 1 of 11

Holiday home cabling

BT/Openreach have gone to the expense some time ago of installing cabling for all the holiday homes on the site I have just bought into (a second hand home). Each home has a vertical pipe for the cable. Those who have already had the broadband/landline installed have the cable showing. Those like my own who have not previously installed have a rope down the pipe which, I am reliably informed, the engineer just pulls to bring out the already connected cable. They just then pop this into the home and off we go.

UNFORTUNATELY BT staff do not see your home on the computer, only those which HAVE been connected. If you look at Openreach they show the connected ones on the top part of the list then lower down the ones like mine ready cabled up but not so far plugged in to the home. So, they have spent money installing the infrastructure but how do you get through to BT that they ARE already cabled just awaiting an engineer to pop the cable into the home. BT staff just seem to be happy with "the computer say NO". How do you get through this?

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Message 2 of 11

Re: Holiday home cabling


Welcome to this user forum for BT Retail phone and broadband customers.

BT Openreach do not exist, its just Openreach and BT Retail.

Openreach do not cable any property unless they receive an order.

Have you placed an order for broadband, on the BT website?

Enter your postcode, and select your address.

If you cannot see it on the list, then there is space below to enter it manually.



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Message 3 of 11

Re: Holiday home cabling

What actually happens when you enter an address manually, is that the order gets passed to Openreach as a "bronze" connection. Openreach then do a survey to determine the routing. They would already have a record of the cable routing.

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Message 4 of 11

Re: Holiday home cabling

Try filling this out , there is a part along the lines of my neighbour can get FTTP but I can’t , TBH , holiday park / static caravan/ chalets are not traditional dwellings in that they have no ‘right’ to a connection but that in itself isn’t a reason why they can’t get service but may explain why they don’t appear on addressing databases.
Just for clarification does your address appear here
If so what does it say , if it doesn’t , try a neighbour that does and post their results,use the postcode and the drop-down list to select the individual address.
Look for a part similar to this

Our records show the following FTTP network service information for these premises:-Single Dwelling Unit Residential UG Feed with no anticipated issues.

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Message 5 of 11

Re: Holiday home cabling

BT staff TOLD me to try Openreach myself.  BT staff could not set a new account for my holiday home even though the homes either side HAVE connections and my home has the cable ready to go. Just cannot get through to BT people

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Message 6 of 11

Re: Holiday home cabling

Done all that. Homes both sides have connection. My home has the cable (they just pull it out of the pipe 6 inches from the home.  BT just can't seem to recognise they/Openreach whatever have already DONE the cabling. Just pull it out of the pipe and shove it in the home. 

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Message 7 of 11

Re: Holiday home cabling


What result did you get when you tried to place an order on the BT website?

As I have already said, Openreach will do nothing without an order from a provider.

What is your postcode?

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Message 8 of 11

Re: Holiday home cabling

To be pedantic, there is no cable. There is a draw rope which will be attached to a cable that will be provided in the event of needing to provide service to the property.

Message 9 of 11

Re: Holiday home cabling

On the BT website for my postcode you find the homes either side of my own. If you look on the Openreach website these two homes are shown at the top of the list (presumably because they HAVE been connected). Further down the list are the remaining homes like mine that have cabling but have not been actually plugged in. Proof, at least to my satisfaction, that SOMEONE is aware that they are "ready to go". If you talk to BT staff they do not seem to understand the situation and have no "Bronze team" or such concept. They merely see that they do not have my home on THEIR website, so "computer say no".

I realise the function of Openreach. Maybe someone could explain it to BT when they try to fob you off with speaking to Openreach....

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Message 10 of 11

Re: Holiday home cabling

Thank you. Nothing wrong with us pedants. As a lifetime Chartered Accountant I revel in pedantry. I did not realise the cable was not at the bottom of the tube (my neighbour seemed to indicate otherwise from his experience) but presumably it does not atter too much whether it is down the tube or of the rope pulls it in from their box??

Does it still not mean they have the infrastructure ready? Or am I being too simplistic like a typical accountant?

Either way BT staff do not seem to accept that the site is cabled up ready to "go". That being the case and them having invested in doing the preliminary work why can they not be convinced to finish the presumably small job of popping the cable into the home. Or is it me?

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