Message 1 of 17

How To Raise A Complaint?


I am looking for advice on raising a complaint to the highest person possible to resolve the issues I have been having with BT in the last 6-7 months. What is the best way to do this? The complaints that advisors have raised for me on calls have been closed almost immediately and they don't go anywhere. 

My initial contact with BT was for options/new prices for upgrading my broadband. This has now escalated to 6-7 months of being passed around multiple departments, being on hold for 2hrs at a time and nowhere near having my account issues resolved. An error by BT in 2022 led to DI issues on my account (to the point they couldn't even close my BT account down). The latest resolution was to get a new line installed in my property (which has affected my credit rating). I have now been told the new line has not resolved the issue and I am back to square one. I have been promised a call back every time I come off the phone with BT but never get one. I have to call up each time and be on the phone for 1-2 hours at a time. I should not be waiting for this issue to be resolved all because of an error by BT.... Surely someone in the business knows how to fix the issues on my account. I feel this needs to be escalated to someone higher up for it to be taken seriously. I can't put up with any more calls to run through all my issues and be put on hold for hours at a time. 

Someone please help?


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Message 2 of 17

Re: How To Raise A Complaint?


Welcome to this user forum for BT Residential phone and broadband customers.

It would be best for one of the forum moderators to investigate your issue, as that have access to all your details, and can escalate if needed. They have a very good reputation in reaching an agreeable solution.

I have asked a moderator to provide assistance, they will post an invite on this thread.
They are the only BT employees on this forum, and are based in the UK.

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Message 3 of 17

Re: How To Raise A Complaint?

Thanks Keith

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Message 4 of 17

Re: How To Raise A Complaint?

@jason80999 I'm so sorry the DI issues have not been resolved and appreciate that you shouldn't have to keep chasing us for a resolution. I'll send you a private message so you can get in touch.


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Message 5 of 17

Re: How To Raise A Complaint?

Does anyone know the best number for the complaints department or a customer relations team? I haven’t had a response from the mods yet and my internet has been cut off today even though I have been paying my bills etc. I need this resolved asap. 

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Message 6 of 17

Re: How To Raise A Complaint?


The moderators deal with each request in strict order, and will deal with yours when you get to the top of the queue. They are the best people to deal with your issue.

Provide you replied to the private message from @NeilO , you are in the queue.

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Message 7 of 17

Re: How To Raise A Complaint?

Ok thanks Keith. I have replied so hopefully will get a response soon. It has been over 48 hours and now my internet has been cut off due to these problems with no warning…. Shocking behaviour. 

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Message 8 of 17

Re: How To Raise A Complaint?

The 48 hours is just a default message. They seem to be picking up tasks within a few days, and may already be looking at your problem, hence the disconnection.

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Message 9 of 17

Re: How To Raise A Complaint?

I am at my wits end trying to raise a formal complaint.     I have complained so many times by phone, but are getting no where.  Would you please help.

0 Ratings
Message 10 of 17

Re: How To Raise A Complaint?

Hi @PleaseHelpMe4 

Welcome to our community.

I'm sorry you're having trouble getting a resolution. You can see all of the ways to make a complaint in our complaints code of practice.


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