Message 1 of 4

How do I make a complaint?

Hi there just wondering how I make a complaint?

I joined BT on the Home Essentials 2 plan back last September.

I moved house in May so had to "recontract' and my plan went up from £20 per month to £23 per month. Ok this is fair enough.


However I look at my upcoming bill and see a charge for calling a mobile number. My plan had or has unlimited anytime minutes on digital voice so wondered why I'm being charged? I checked my email for the recontract and can't find the unlimited minutes anywhere under landline so checked my original joining email/contract and yes I did have it and as I understand it the Home Essentials 2 plan always comes with unlimoted anytime minutes so why has this been omitted after my move and why am I being charged for calls?

Many thanks - rant over for now

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Message 2 of 4

Re: How do I make a complaint?

is this the package you have  https://community.bt.com/t5/Bills-Packages/Bad-customer-service/m-p/2330514?lightbox-message-images-...


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Message 3 of 4

Re: How do I make a complaint?

Ha yeah, that's changed then cos when I first took the Fibre (Home Essentials2/67mb) plan last september not only was it £20 a month but got unlimited anytime calls too.


Still going to complain as this SHOULD have been pointed out to me at the time when I moved house. And if I don't like the answer I'm firing off an email to OFCOM.


Thanks for your reply

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Message 4 of 4

Re: How do I make a complaint?

so you did receive email from BT setting out the terms of your new home essentials package?

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