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Message 1 of 3

Just a question about TV packages

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Hi There,

I am just wanting to clarify something.

I thought I was coming to the end of my contract around July this year( I have Big Entertainment with Fibre 1) and I contacted them to find out the date. They came back and told me that since I have changed my TV package last October I need to wait until October 2023 to change anything without renewing again. Is this right? 

I had been under the impression that changing TV packages didn't alter your contract as I have done it previously, i.e. extra when I am on annual leave, Christmas etc.

I had been considering (only considering, no decision made) to take only the bare minimum TV (or none at all) as I mostly watch catchup, Netflix or Prime these days and ditch the multi-room for a Freesat in my bedroom, as well as get rid of my landline, which I don't use. I think I can do that now?

I intend to keep broadband with BT.

Just wondering, any suggestions are welcome, thanks 🙂 


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Message 2 of 3

Re: Just a question about TV packages

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I had been under the impression that changing TV packages didn't alter your contract as I have done it previously, i.e. extra when I am on annual leave, Christmas etc.

That depends on what you selected, if you swapped plans at standard rate that won't impact your minimum term, if you opted to swap with a discounted offer, they will come with a new 24 month term, if done via it will inform you when you raised the order and then send an email or letter to confirm.


Message 3 of 3

Re: Just a question about TV packages

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Thanks for your reply @Richie.
I changed to Big Entertainment via and I have now tracked down my email:
'Your TV service will start before 23:59 on: 28 Oct 2021

You'll stay on your current contract, which started on 24 Jul 2020 and is for 24 months) '
So that seems to confirm my thoughts. Should have done a search of my emails in the first place! 🙂

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