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Message 1 of 2

MyBT - very unresponsive and itemised calls not shown since 16 Nov - rebranding as EE issue?

Not sure if this is the best board - doesn't seem to be one for myBT

There were issues in early Nov with latency and difficulty using myBT across different browsers and devices. These were fixed. However, they have returned.

Over the last week I've seen:

  • a blank page with "too many requests"
  • just the 3 bouncing balls on the screen for well over 1 minute
  • just the purple header/footer of the web page
  • some pages being shown in the yellow and green EE mobile design
  • lots of "we cannot get that information right now" (paraphrased)

Given I've seen EE branding appear, perhaps the problems are realted to the BT rebranding with EE? Or are these issues just coincidental?

I've seen responses that say (paraphrase) - "try to use myBT - when myBT is back to normal" - but it's a bit nonsensical. At the moment we only find out whether it is OK when we try to use it. Perhaps there should be a service status page for myBT?


What's more concerning is the itemised calls hasn't been updated since 16 Nov.  There is an unlimited call plan on the account but itemised calls with zero price are usually shown. Can anyone else see zero rated itemsed calls to 01/02/03/07 numbers since 16 Nov? 


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Message 2 of 2

Re: MyBT - very unresponsive and itemised calls not shown since 16 Nov - rebranding as EE issue?

I've had feed back from another BT account holder and they say their itemised calls are not visible on myBT. They have not been seen since 20 Nov.


Perhaps it is all connected with the myBT website issues. Perhaps BT has dropped itemised calls?

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