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Message 11 of 16

My orders keeps getting cancelled by an autocease

Good evening mods.

My ongoing woes on trying to actually order broadband and a land line continue.

Despite interaction earlier in the week by the mods, yet again I find my order has been autoceased.

Making this the third time in the space of a week.

And presumably it will mean the fourth attempt at placing the order...and each time it happens a hard credit search is appearing on my credit rating.

Please help.


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Message 12 of 16

Re: My orders keeps getting cancelled by an autocease

Hi @wibblemonster

Good morning.

I am sorry for the problems with your order.  I can see my colleague @DavidM is dealing with your complaint.  I'll let him know you've posted back and he'll give you a shout later this afternoon.



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Message 13 of 16

Re: My orders keeps getting cancelled by an autocease

Many thanks Robbie.
Message 14 of 16

Re: My orders keeps getting cancelled by an autocease

Good afternoon Moderators, and further to the PMs you have sent...

I've not had anyone from the 'Back end order team' call me yet about restoring the order that keeps getting mysteriously cancelled through an Auto Cease.

And in addition the numerous hard searches from BT now appearing on my credit history as a result of the numerous order rebuilds, I've now discovered that there's also three separate, and associated, direct debit orders for BT on my bank account as well.

I know the Moderators are extremely helpful, and extremely busy, but any help in progressing this would be appreciated.

Thank you

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Message 15 of 16

Re: My orders keeps getting cancelled by an autocease

It just goes from worse to worse...

So apparently since my original order was placed then cancelled by BT 3 times and replaced by BT 3 times... there's now no longer any capacity at the cabinet.

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Message 16 of 16

Re: My orders keeps getting cancelled by an autocease

@DavidM @JohnC2 

Good evening Moderators.

Just a heads up that I've sent a PM to @DavidM as I've not heard anything from the back end order team about the ongoing problems you are helping me with 

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