I made an enquiry to Openreach about the availability of Fibre to the house. When they replied they said that on their database our phone number is registered to a different address. They have told us to raise an Openreach Data Integrity (ORDI) request to have their database changed.
Our phone and broadband are with BT. The address on our BT bill is our address but isn't exactly the same as the Royal Mail address.
I have seen that moderators can raise the ORDI. Can this be done for us please? We have tried to do this over the phone but with no success.
Many thanks Gill
first thing is to ensure that your BT address and the royal mail database have the same address. once that is sorted post back and we can see if mods will raise an ORDI
I have updated the address using the "Update my billing address" selecting the address from the list that matches the Royal Mail database. Is it possible to now get our telephone number associated with our address and not someone else in the village? This has caused lots of issues in fixing the faults we have had this month.
Many thanks
I have asked a mod to see if they can help. They will post here but could take few days
Hi @Gill7 and welcome to our community.
Thanks for posting about your ordi request. I'm sure I can help you. I'll drop you over a private message now so you can get in touch.