Does anyone know if/ how Openreach can register my address. Neighbours either side can get Sky, BT and other broadband but I cannot and believe it's because we've not been registered. It’s not a new build either so I’m very confused.
Is your address correct on royal mail database?
Can you enter phone number or address and post results including notes
This is what comes up so I’m guessing it’s just not available at my address. Seems crazy as I live in a pretty normal town that you’d assume would have good broadband access.
Problems looks like there is a waiting list so it is not that it is not available but that it is available just thee is no space left on your cabinet hence waiting list
It shows that ADSL is available, up to 17mbs, possibly more.
BT Retail should be able to offer that, but not all providers do. That comes from the exchange.
Faster connections are shown as "waiting list", so cabinet must be full.
Where it says waiting list does that mean waiting list to get into the specific cabinet for my address? Seems unlikely that anyone will just cancel their broadband and free up space. Never come across this before so was very confused so thank you for your help
Yes the cabinet to which your line is connected has no spaces left for FTTC. Spaces come available at any time usual people moving home and give up connection. You just have to keep checking the dslchecker and if you see available then select your ISP and try and place order