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Message 1 of 2

Price change and broadband issues

If I were you, I wouldn't bother! I have a broadband only package with BT, which has just gone up to just shy of £58 a month.  The justification in their letter?  They are increasing costs by 14% as 'everything has increased in price'. No sh*t sherlock!  Well I hadn't realised, silly me! 

It isn't even that great!  I have a smart TV, whose picture keeps pixilating. On zoom calls mine is the only video that looks like I'm in the twilight zone.

When I called to say unfortunately I've not had a 14% payrise, and all my costs had increase too, the guy said he'd come up with a better package for me, for an additional £3 a month! Or I could 'buy out' of the rest of my contract for £615.

I kicked my TV box into touch after 9 months, as I never watched it, not realising that the 24 month contract clock would start again. So beware if you make even small changes, they will restart the clock. 

My mental health has been fragile and I tell you, as I sink deeper into a pit of been ripped off by multi million pound companies, while sitting in a house so we'll insulated it's 10°c inside and I wear a coat all the time. After asking for help, it has made me feel suicidal.

I'd take the fact you can't get signed up with the known most expensive broadband and TV provider as a sign, and look elsewhere.  I was also left without connection to the Internet for 3 weeks after so called 'installation'.  Despite repeated calls and complaints, and paying £75 for someone to come and install everything, they eventually sent a guy out - who discovered the house wasn't even connected to the frigging exchange. What a service. NOT! Good bloody luck, is all I can say. 

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Message 2 of 2

Re: Price change and broadband issues

Hi @Lost_soul2007

Welcome to the BT Community and thank you for your post!

I am sorry for the broadband speed problems you've experienced recently.  Have a look at the help page >> here << for guidance on how to resolve broadband issues.  Post back and let me know how you get on with this.

We have adjusted some of the prices for our products and services in line with the Consumer Price Index (CPI) rate of inflation, plus 3.9%.  For more info on the price change, have a look at >> Annual Price Change <<



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