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Message 1 of 6

Questions about new FTTP order for existing customer (+ 'New EE')

Firstly the good news - the ability for me to order fibre to the house appeared this morning (Happy Christmas!). Now for the decisions.

Obviously going to wait to see if there are any deals on Boxing Day - personalised deals are offline at present presumably for update.

However on the basis of standard deals for a 500mbps package BT is £10pm cheaper than EE on a like-for-like basis. And I cannot understand why.

So at present it seems a no-brainer to stick with BT not least because my mobile deal is with them & I don't need huge data bundles. Would also make sense at this point to dump the Digital Voice service.


1) When attempting a trial order for FTTP the website tries to charge for a delivery. I already have a Smart Hub 2. Do they always insist on you paying a delivery charge even if you already have one? Does this charge disappear if making a 'personalised order' and they know you already have one?

2) Are BT distributing new 'Smart Hub 3's' now for FTTP orders - i.e. the same as EE but without the EE logo? I wouldn't mind paying a delivery charge if this was the case.

3) Does anyone know whether phoning 'new EE' on the number for BT customers results in any better offers than ones than appear on the EE website for new customers?

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Message 2 of 6

Re: Questions about new FTTP order for existing customer (+ 'New EE')

Call the BT FTTP team, 0800 587 4787 to see what they can offer and also ask about the Smarthub 2 not being needed. They should also be able to answer any questions about transferring to EE.

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Message 3 of 6

Re: Questions about new FTTP order for existing customer (+ 'New EE')

if you have trouble with FTTP team number going to CS then try Retentions 08007831401 and see if you can negotiate a Broadband only contract.  currently there does not appear to be a SH3 available to BT customers

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Message 4 of 6

Re: Questions about new FTTP order for existing customer (+ 'New EE')

currently there does not appear to be a SH3 available to BT customers

Weird - seeing several reports elsewhere including from OR engineers that SH3s are being sent for recent full fibre orders.

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Message 5 of 6

Re: Questions about new FTTP order for existing customer (+ 'New EE')

Just to chip in, might be worth scoping out where you want the kit to go and anything you can do to ease the way for the internal fibre run. I already had decorative trunking in and existing hole to other room should I have wanted the other room (I didn't).

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Message 6 of 6

Re: Questions about new FTTP order for existing customer (+ 'New EE')

Just to chip in, might be worth scoping out where you want the kit to go and anything you can do to ease the way for the internal fibre run. I already had decorative trunking in and existing hole to other room should I have wanted the other room (I didn't).

I want the kit to go in exactly the same place as at present - the problem is they will need to rip out the existing copper cable to do that, and not sure they’ll want to spend the time to do it.

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