Solved! Go to Solution.
I have moved your post to this new thread, so you can get advice from forum members.
I am also in this position waiting on a full fibre order at BT/Openreach instigation. So I have an outstanding order and cannot change from Halo to something cheaper. Look forward to advice.
Hi there @Discoll.
Welcome to the BT Community.
We don't have access to accounts to check this out via these forums, but I'm confident it's something our team will be able to investigate further.
If you feel like you continue to get no updates or are unable to progress, you can also find the details of how to log this as a complaint.
Does the email address listed on the complaints code of practice even work anymore?
On my personal situation I emailed it Tuesday 4th Feb and have not even had an acknowledgment.
If it is no longer a viable contact channel then it shouldn't be persisted on the code of practice.