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Message 1 of 3

Really Disappointed with EE & BT

Hi everyone,

I've had 90 minutes on the phone to BT/EE today and I'm wondering if anybody else has had this issue.

I received an email from BT on the 8th May to say my bill was going from £49 to £91 a month. I phoned and was told this was sent in error and that best deals were with EE. I reluctantly agreed to that deal.

I then found out I could get a better deal with BT as I'm on a reduced income and phoned to cancel with EE and agreed to BT. I was asked to return EE equipment which I did but heard nothing more.

This morning I phoned to check if I was receiving a new hub and discovered I was still with  EE and beyond the 14 days.

At least 40 minutes spent explaining that I had called and that I had a 14th May contract summary to prove I had contacted them.

The upshot of this all is I am now back with BT on an expensive tariff until 12th June, the earliest change date, and have to phone after then to setup the reduced rate tariff.

BT has set me up with a new account which means I now have to have a different landline number because my old account was closed when I joined EE.

I'm typing this from the old account?

Just confused and annoyed. Is the extortionate price increase email a ploy to get you to change???

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Message 2 of 3

Re: Really Disappointed with EE & BT

I never got an email like that are you sure it was genuine and not from a scammer ?
0 Ratings
Message 3 of 3

Re: Really Disappointed with EE & BT

Not a scam.

Chap confirmed it was generated by/from BT.


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