Message 1 of 17

Recontracting Price


I'm near the end of my broadband contract, and BT have offered a chance to recontract for 24 months on my current package for £2/month less. When my current contract ends, the website tells me my bill will increase by £6/month. Am I right in thinking that if I recontract now, the £6/month increase then wouldn't apply, thereby making for a net £8/month saving versus doing nothing?

I understand recontracting now will mean my price will only last about a month before going up at the end of March, but that is true whether I recontract now or not. The recontracting price will also beat the current new customer price both before and after the March increase, assuming the £6/month no longer applies.

I'm also considering getting BT TV on the current £10/month offer. I went partway through the order process, just to have a look, and was offered a 4K add-on which stated they'd upgrade me to a 4K box. I thought the BT Pro box was the standard issue now, and you'd get that regardless of if you pay for 4K content, or would I be issued with a different box? My aerial isn't great, so a Pro box in internet mode is what I'd be interested in.

Thanks for any replies.

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Message 2 of 17

Re: Recontracting Price

if you recontract before 1st March the price increases on 31st March will still apply  there is a previous post about this

you can try options team 0800800030 and see what deal you can negotiate but maybe leave till 1st March

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Message 3 of 17

Re: Recontracting Price

I was on BT chat yesterday (with I think the retention team) trying to sort out an an issue with my package offer not taking into account I have line rental saver. The upshot is that they said I can recontract at the same price as my current package and would I like to go ahead with this recontract. I said I would like to hang on until after 1 March, they queried why the 1 March. When I mentioned it would avoid the price increase from 31 March the customer agent was surprised by this and said this wasn't BT published advice. So my question is where do you get your information that 1 March is the cutoff not avoiding the price increase.
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Message 4 of 17

Re: Recontracting Price

@allanraymond wrote:
 So my question is where do you get your information that 1 March is the cutoff not avoiding the price increase.




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Message 5 of 17

Re: Recontracting Price

Yes, I'm aware of that thread as I asked the same question on it.

It still doesn't answer my query where officially does BT say that if you renew, recontact after 1 March it will avoid the price increase.

Why not say 10 March or 20 March is the cutoff, I've looked at the BT Consumer Price Guide and can't see anything about a cutoff date.

The agent on chat diddn't seem to know anything about a 1 March cutoff date.

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Message 6 of 17

Re: Recontracting Price

Yes it does @NeilO is a moderator who is a BT employee.

Message 7 of 17

Re: Recontracting Price

Thank you for the replies.

It looks like waiting until at least 1st March would seem to be a prudent course of action. The current BT TV offer will be finished by then, but that's not a big issue, it was a 'nice to have' rather than anything important.

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Message 8 of 17

Re: Recontracting Price

Sorry to harp on this, I was aware the mod had posted the comment but it still doesn't answer my query where has BT officially documented the 1 March date. I am not for one minute saying Neil is incorrect, but what hope for anyone deciding to renew etc after 1 March if the retention person I spoke to didn't know of this fact.
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Message 9 of 17

Re: Recontracting Price

Well if I look at the current offers  example Bt Tv showing on the website they appear to last until the end of February. Those offers have a Important Information section which currently says.

The legal stuff

Δ If you sign up to a new contract or renew your contract for a Landline (including call charges, features, add-ons and plans), BT Mobile (including plans, monthly add-ons, call, text, and data charges), BT Broadband, BT TV or BT Sport (including TV and Sport add-ons) the monthly price will increase each year from March 2023. That increase is based on the Consumer Price Index Rate of inflation which is published in January each year plus 3.9%.

So if you take up those offers (ie the ones that run to end of Feb) those are T&Cs that apply.

Now what I anticipate is that after the end of February when those offers have expired the new Offers from March 1st would appear.  Personally I would expect that the legal stuff would then (ie for the  March 1st onwards deals) to change to reflect the price increase being applied from March 2024.  Only my opinion but it seems the logical approach.

Message 10 of 17

Re: Recontracting Price

Looking at the legal stuff for offers today 1st March it has indeed changed 

The legal stuff

Δ If you sign up to a new contract or renew your contract for a Landline (including call charges, features, add-ons and plans), BT Mobile (including plans, monthly add-ons, call, text, and data charges), BT Broadband, BT TV or BT Sport (including TV and Sport add-ons) the monthly price will increase each year from March 2024. That increase is based on the Consumer Price Index Rate of inflation which is published in January each year plus 3.9%.