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Message 1 of 5

Renewal has gone bad

I've been on a Fibre 250 plan for the last two years, my contract came to an end this week and a renewed the previous week on the website.

However, on the renewal date I was cut off.

The problem seems to come from BT not being able to offer 250 for new customers and for some reason, I was treated as new customer and not a renewal. This is being blamed on the EE merger.

So, I'm still without any connection 4 days later and now I'm only being offered the lower speeds that don't utilise gFast. 

I'm also being told that it'll be another 5 days or so before I'm going to be reconnected.

So the moral of this story is you're better off not renewing your existing contract until Fibre to Property is available in your street.

0 Ratings
Message 2 of 5

Re: Renewal has gone bad

If you don't mind me asking, what newer lower speed are you now going to have?

0 Ratings
Message 3 of 5

Re: Renewal has gone bad

75Mb which is pretty bad if that's what I end up with as I was always on 300 before 

0 Ratings
Message 4 of 5

Re: Renewal has gone bad

Yes it is a huge drop, and it is a shambles for sure.

If it helps you to know: 75mbps should still allow a couple of 4k streams and maybe 1 or 2 1080p streams on top of that.

So if your household is not too large, it should be bearable until Full Fibre arrives in your street.

They are picking up the pace at installing Full Fibre, with half the UK covered now, with a target of 85 percent of the UK by 2025... so I don't think you will have too long to wait.

Message 5 of 5

Re: Renewal has gone bad

Yeah, it's more of a point on how shambolic they've been with this.

I know they want to sign you up for guaranteed revenue but they should have been clear that I wasn't able to renew my current service and I would better off on a roling contract until they can match my current package.

Now I'm stuck with no connection at all.