Message 1 of 7

Renewed to Halo 3 and no new modem

I have just renewed my contract from Fibre 1 to Halo 3 the website said that I would get a new Smart Hub 2. As I did not receive it I phoned and was told that this is only for Halo 3 Plus customers. This is not what the website said and gave the impression that I would receive a new hub and did not mention I would have to stick with my aging old hub. The info box that had the package options clearly said Smart Hub 2. In fact if you look at the BT website it states that Smart Hub 2 comes with Halo 3 and Halo 3+:



 The lady on the phone said you would leave it as "feedback" for complaints, but as there is no way to contact BT via email, and the chatbot keeps saying it cant deal with it I have no other options other than post.

A warning to other "loyal" customers - BT are not honouring what they are selling.

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Message 2 of 7

Re: Renewed to Halo 3 and no new modem

This has been an often reported issue for at least two years, so don't expect any response to your feedback.

On the plus side, unless your Hub is faulty there's unlikely to be any gain from the SH2.

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Message 3 of 7

Re: Renewed to Halo 3 and no new modem


this page about Halo certainly shows SH2 only with Halo3+


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Message 4 of 7

Re: Renewed to Halo 3 and no new modem

Thats not quite true because depending on the age of their old hub the WIFI is better on the Smart Hub 2 than the previous models.

0 Ratings
Message 5 of 7

Re: Renewed to Halo 3 and no new modem

Its also here too:



With that said, anyone who is looking for better WIFI performance needs to consider more than one WIFI AP, whatever vendor or method, whether hard wired AP (best) or MESH (compromise). Most peoples routers will be in the corner of their house somewhere where the fibre/copper comes in and unless your walls are made of paper its just not going to appropriately cover with best performance unless you are in a studio flat or something.

So I wouldnt worry about the better or worse WIFI from the hub and just setup your own WIFI using more than one device.

BT900 | Nokia ONT | Ubiquiti ER-X | EETV Box Pro (IP Mode) | Unifi CK2 | 6x Unifi U6+ | 2x Unifi SAK Ultra
Message 6 of 7

Re: Renewed to Halo 3 and no new modem

I bought my own BT Wifi Discs (Black ones) off the auction site and set them up with the Smart Hub 2. If I go to EE they do not offer the same wifi solution.
Message 7 of 7

Re: Renewed to Halo 3 and no new modem

my superNOTreliable bt broadband at £73 per month just went down yet again...


Migration elsewhere looks more attractive ?

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