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Message 1 of 12

Returned kit, don’t have postage slip, being told I owe £50

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Hi all,

As the title suggests, I have been told that £50 has been added to the amount I owe BT because I haven’t returned my kit. 

I actually did return the kit, using the postage kit they supplied, except I didn’t keep the receipt. 

What do I do? I’m not prepared to pay £50 for nothing AND have no kit to even try and flog on eBay!! 

PS I can’t express the frustration that this type of thing causes people, and is definitely a reason to avoid ever using this company again in future. 


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Message 2 of 12

Re: Returned kit, don’t have postage slip, being told I owe £50

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I apprecate it is easier said than done but why have you not got the postage slip?

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Message 3 of 12

Re: Returned kit, don’t have postage slip, being told I owe £50

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My wife dropped it off at the local post office and didn’t think twice about keeping the slip. She can’t find it, I have asked several times. 

I know BT does this under the guise of being ‘greener’ but in reality it’s just a quick and dirty cash grab. 

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Message 4 of 12

Re: Returned kit, don’t have postage slip, being told I owe £50

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@kid_unknown wrote:

I know BT does this under the guise of being ‘greener’ but in reality it’s just a quick and dirty cash grab. 

It is in your Terms and Conditions that you agreed to that the equipment is on loan and needs to be returned or you will be charged for it. If the items are returned, which most are, there is no "cash grab". 

It would be a bigger "cash grab" if they charged for the items at the start of your contract and let you keep them at the end of your contract knowing the hubs etc only work on the BT network.

Have you tried calling BT and in a reasonable and polite way explain what has happened?

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Message 5 of 12

Re: Returned kit, don’t have postage slip, being told I owe £50

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I took the service because it was the cheapest at the time. I switched as soon as they opened up the line to other providers (FTTP) and other providers started laying their own cables, and was out of contract.

It certainly leaves a sour taste, having returned the kit and still being charged. Of course the sceptic in you probably thinks I’m lying, but if there was any way of checking, I’d be proved correct  

I’ll give them a call if that’s what it’ll take to get this resolved, but I can’t find a number anywhere, not even in the correspondence they have sent regarding the £50 charge. Do you have one? 


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Message 6 of 12

Re: Returned kit, don’t have postage slip, being told I owe £50

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CS 03301234150  or try billing

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Message 7 of 12

Re: Returned kit, don’t have postage slip, being told I owe £50

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If I thought you were lying I would have said so!

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Message 8 of 12

Re: Returned kit, don’t have postage slip, being told I owe £50

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Thank you.
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Message 9 of 12

Re: Returned kit, don’t have postage slip, being told I owe £50

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Thank you. I hope I can get it sorted.
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Message 10 of 12

Re: Returned kit, don’t have postage slip, being told I owe £50

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Hope you get it sorted. 

I've taken pictures of the 2 items in the return bags, and pictures of the proof of posting receipts due ro these kind of posts. 

Sent back a few days ago, one already delivered and one pending for some reason. 

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