My elderly aunt has just received a new router and we need to send the old one back. She lives 300 miles away from me, and the returns bag has gone to her, along with the new router. I have the old router with me, as she would not be able to cope with the return.
Can I get a returns bag sent directly to me to return the kit?
Call BT 0800.800.150 and ask if they can do that. You will need your aunts account number so that the returned item is registered to the correct account.
When it is returned retain the Proof of Postage and be aware that it is presently taking three to four weeks after BT receive the returned item for the account to be updated to reflect its return.
Hi @phoneforumaj,
Thank you for posting. If you give that number @gg30340 has posted a call, BT will be able to send a returns kit to your address.
If for any reason you ring that number and they can't help, post back and I'll be able to do this for you.