It’s been 7 days since the OpenReach engineer installed Full Fibre broadband at my property. The first issue was where he’d run the external cable from. He had to switch from the closet connection point to one over the road (probably twice the distance). So before doing this, he set up the hub and the OpenReach modem. He returned the following day to finish setting up the external cable.
This is when the fun started. He then spent 3 hours scratching his head as the Hub 2 remained Solid Orange reset and factory reset. Straight from Green to Solid Orange.
Move forward 7 days and nothing has changed. Solid Orange. 2 BT engineers have scratched their head. BT Fault operatives on the phone has sat there bemused.
No one seems to have an answer. Why? Oh, I’m also being billed!
Moved to Bills and Packages 🤔
New broadband package not yet fulfilled and you are being billed, which should not happen until service has been activated.
Hi @lukenukem and welcome to our community.
I'm sorry there's been a delay in getting you connected. You certainly shouldn't be charged before you're up and running. I can look into this for you. Please check your inbox for my message and drop me a reply with the details.