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Message 1 of 17

Sorry, we can't show you any personalised deals at the moment.....

I thought it might be a generalised website problem, but I have been getting the following for two days now when trying to order a new packages through My BT:

A picture of the London skyline with: Sorry, we can't show you any personalised deals at the moment. But there's nothing to stop you checking out our current offers for broadband, TV, landline and TNT Sports.

Is this just me? (I think it is). And if so how does it get fixed?

It may be associated with the fact that Full Fibre has just become available at my address, but if I try the website as a New Customer then Full Fibre deals are visible and orderable. Obviously I cannot choose these as an existing customer.

So is this now a permanent website fault and do I need to contact someone to get it fixed? I am out of contract so should have no problem placing an order; up until the day before full fibre became available this part of the website was offering me non-full fibre new deals to order.

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Message 2 of 17

Re: Sorry, we can't show you any personalised deals at the moment.....

No, it's not just you.  I get the message whenever I log on to My BT.  Just call 0800 800 150 to talk through your options.



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Message 3 of 17

Re: Sorry, we can't show you any personalised deals at the moment.....

OK thanks for confirming it is not just me. Given Boxing Day must be a huge sales day for BT (people actually have the chance to sit down and sort stuff like this out) it seems bizarre that they aren’t prioritising getting this fixed.

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Message 4 of 17

Re: Sorry, we can't show you any personalised deals at the moment.....

I've been getting the same thing for a few weeks now, I just assumed it's BT trying to push people off onto EE

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Message 5 of 17

Re: Sorry, we can't show you any personalised deals at the moment.....

At least BT should be honest this is what they are doing I.e. as soon as ultrafast is available, blocking simple renewals for BT customers via My BT.

Any way of confirming that this is what they are up to?

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Message 6 of 17

Re: Sorry, we can't show you any personalised deals at the moment.....


My area is getting full fibre and once they started the work near me I stopped getting personalised deals so I believe it's all linked to that.

I'm getting my free upgrade to Fibre 100 on Jan 5 so now see no deals now as there's this upgrade order outstanding.

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Message 7 of 17

Re: Sorry, we can't show you any personalised deals at the moment.....

Thanks @TimCurtis 

The message BT is displaying to people is disingenuous and hardly helpful for people wanting to renew / upgrade. If they are wanting force people to phone up, just say it. Don’t confuse them with vague messages that leave them unsure of what to do next.

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Message 8 of 17

Re: Sorry, we can't show you any personalised deals at the moment.....

Just as my letter drops for renewal I cannot see any deals any more. Just generic ones.


Been a good few days now. I have an offer via phone but BT make it difficult to justify staying. This time it is not loyalty, I have a points system and BT are just the side of stay with BT.

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Message 9 of 17

Re: Sorry, we can't show you any personalised deals at the moment.....

I notice how the admins are staying out of this one, I guess that means that my assumption (message 4) is the correct one.

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Message 10 of 17

Re: Sorry, we can't show you any personalised deals at the moment.....

So my experience this morning is yes - you have to phone if ultrafast is available at your address. The BT guide did not deny that the withdrawal of online ordering was linked to ultrafast becoming available.

I recommend that you have done your research before you call, and are clear that you don’t want to expand the discussion to other areas such as migrating your mobile to EE if you don’t want to. They did still try to mention this, but as soon as I mentioned loss of roaming and TNT sport on mobile with EE there was no further pressure.

Also you can still get BT deals on ultrafast fibre - you do not have to move to new EE. If you currently have Halo by default they will assume you want to continue with Halo 3, but if that is no longer of use to you (e.g. you are assuming fibre is much more reliable than your old copper connection so you don’t need backup) you can get the lower website prices.

The two problems I have had are:

  • The system would not let me fully cancel digital voice. The agent read out a message saying I had to keep it for the transfer but could cancel after it was complete. But the paperwork now says I am in a 24 month £3/month PAYG contract. We will see about that….
  • It would not allow me to order 500meg at £37.99pm despite having Halo 1 which guarantees I should be able to recontract at the same price as new customers. They only had the EE £47.99 price point. The agent said the Halo ‘guarantee’ only applies to new Halo deals - a restriction I can find absolutely no reference to. They offered to set up a seperate new customer account to put a 500meg order through at the lower price, but as I have mobile as well this sounded like a disaster in the making. So I went with 300meg which didn’t seem to have this problem - if it is not enough then can always upgrade in future.


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