Message 1 of 3

? Speed offer on my account.

My broadband and phone contract is up on the 26th. On my account it says my current fibre Halo 3 package cannot be renewed, am getting up to 73 Mbs download speeds on this. Next package available for the same price was 300 Mbs part fibre. I rang the retention team to see if there was any possibility of a better deal, he said the 300Mbs is only available on full fibre not part fibre and my current speeds is all I can get. Is this true, if so why is it offering me the unatainable speed? Also I am on a 700 minute calls plan for £8 odd, going up to over 9 at end of the month. The chap said BT were stopping this and changing it to unlimited calls for £12 a month but have had no notification of this. Is this true? Was offered a swap to EE for a slight increase in my current costs. Said I would think about it. Any advice on this please.

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Message 2 of 3

Re: ? Speed offer on my account.

You can check yourself if your address has FTTP available, 



80Mb is the maximum FTTC can deliver, so 300Mb needs FTTP , occasionally depending on area it was available from Gfast ( partial fibre  like FTTC) but that’s no longer sold so won’t be that.

700 mins does seem to be unavailable these days , it’s PAYG  or Unlimited .

If you can’t get FTTP but are offered 300 then obviously it’s a mistake 

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Message 3 of 3

Re: ? Speed offer on my account.

Thanks for info. I thought the 300 speed was a mistake.

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