Message 1 of 2

Unbelievable total incompetence by BT


On 17th September, I rang BT to cancel my neighbours phone line as she has been in a care home since May this year. 

To get through security, I had to supply the account number, address, phone humber and she had to speak to BT to authorise me, to speak on her behalf.

I got put through to one department, briefly, then another department in Merseyside. I was told it would be cancelled on 18th September.


Well...not so great......Last night I noticed I had received an email  that the phone line have registered at my uncle and aunts address was going to be cancelled on 18th September!!!! No mention of the neighbours phone line being cancelled!!!

My aunt who is 89 years old, has dementia and has gone in a care home very recently. My uncle who is 85 has cancer in multiple places.  Both NEED this phone line to speak to each other and wait for doctors and hospital calls etc . 

Panic stricken, I rang BT this morning (18th) to explain that they had got their wires crossed (no pun intended) . Straight away the chap I spoke to who was obviously reading off what they had been taught to say, just did not listen. I had to shout at him to get him to listen to my question, without talking over me, as he was just interested in telling about me cancelling the phone line and that nothing could be done to it, and my uncle and aunty would have to wait 5-10 days for the phone line to be reinstated!!!  I asked to speak to a manager and he said that would take at least a day for that to happen!!I asked to be put through to the complaint department and he said he was raising the complaint as they were all trained in complaint and bereavements !!

He could not answer my question, (when he eventually decided to listen) why my phone line that I set up for my uncle and aunt, was being cancelled, but that it WAS being cancelled and there was nothing at all that anyone could do about it!!

It is not acceptable on how incompetent BT are, that there is no emergency or top priority procedure, they can apply to an account for vulnerable, dependant people who NEED their phoneline and reverse THEIR fault , THEIR decision to shut down my phoneline and not my neighbours phoneline

One positive to come from the first phone call this morning was that I finally got them to confirm they would shut down my neighbours phoneline. Hoorah!!

Another thing, I do not understand is how can they shut down my uncles phone line at a different address that I did not supply, a different phone number , that I did not supply, and from an account, that I did not supply the number to. There was no security asked for on my account not even a text code sent to my mobile number in relation to my account

So much for security!

Anyway I would love a positive answer and outcome to this, as now I have not got to my uncles home, to explain that he will be unable to speak to his wife via the landline and then to my aunt's care home to try and explain to her that BT has messed up  

Thanks for listening to my stressful rant!

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Message 2 of 2

Re: Unbelievable total incompetence by BT

Hi @goody2b 

Welcome to the community. I'm really sorry to hear that there was a mix-up on the cancellation request.

I'd like to help you get some urgent help with this. I'm going to send you a private message to get some information from you. Could you take a look and get back to me please?



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