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Message 1 of 5

Upsold incorrect contract

I am currently on BT Fibre 150.  I noticed an offer to upgrade this to Fibre 900 with Complete Wi-Fi for an extra £8 per month on Monday.  

I noticed that this offer had disappeared on the Tuesday, so on calling BT no less than three times (the third call to the value / retention team as I was getting nowhere with customer support) I eventually committed to an extra £11 per month... even though I was a bit miffed that the offer had disappeared and had to pay an extra £3 per month on top of the original offer.

So imagine my surprise when I received another e-mail stating I needed to return my Wi-Fi discs!  I called yet again and was informed that I had been sold Fibre 900 WITHOUT complete Wi-Fi.  So BT have basically upsold me a contract by providing me with false information as to what I was signing up for.

I was informed that I could add the Complete Wi-Fi but this would cost an EXTRA £8 per month ON TOP of what I had already signed up for!!  

I cancelled the whole order.  BT have applied the Fibre 900 (even though I'm only getting speeds of 400MB) and have still failed to cancel the order, and it's now Thursday.  I think I'm within my rights to keep the Wi-Fi discs (I won't be returning them) and believe that the original offer should be honoured (as in the extra £11 per month for Fibre 900 with complete Wi-Fi).

Unfortunately, I'm tied into a contract with BT for another 22 months.  I have been a customer for many years, but will not be renewing my contract with them when my service ends.  They charge me over £100 a month for all of my services which is not an insignificant amount.

Not a happy customer.

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Message 2 of 5

Re: Upsold incorrect contract


I cancelled the whole order.  BT have applied the Fibre 900 (even though I'm only getting speeds of 400MB) and have still failed to cancel the order, and it's now Thursday. 

The correct process is to raise a DSR revert, do it within 14 days to revert back to how you were before the changes, leaving it will only cause issues down the road, the system sweeps are done automatically from time to time, you could end up with no service or incorrectly charged.


I think I'm within my rights to keep the Wi-Fi discs (I won't be returning them) 

You're not within your rights though, if you follow my above advice it will put things right, otherwise you could be charged for the discs, they are always on loan if you have a qualifying package, if your account has data integrity issues it can result in incorrect charges.


and believe that the original offer should be honoured (as in the extra £11 per month for Fibre 900 with complete Wi-Fi).

Offers don't last forever, they can change weekly or monthly, by your own admission you saw the deal but failed to act, keep trying the MyBT page and see what deals come along, any that appeal you can sign up to.


Message 3 of 5

Re: Upsold incorrect contract

What is a DSR revert?  I'm paying BT a fortune and they can't do a simple thing like cancel my order for the Fibre 900.

I agree that I perhaps should have acted when I saw the original deal, however, it still doesn't detract from the fact they have said that nothing would change with my service when I signed up to Fibre 900, and now I'm being asked to return the Wi-Fi discs.  So I disagree, I think I am within my rights to keep them, as they mis-sold the contract.  They may well try and charge me later down the line for them, but I'll be disputing any charges.


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Message 4 of 5

Re: Upsold incorrect contract


as already posted by @-Richie-  the discs never belong to the customer just like the SH2 they are on loan and must be returned when your contract ceases.  the discs are never yours so as you cancelled the upgrade then you need to return the discs

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Message 5 of 5

Re: Upsold incorrect contract


What is a DSR revert?

DSR = Distance Selling Regulations, most of the time when you buy over the phone, online or door to door selling you get a cooling off period, as you're not happy with your new package, you can undo the changes and revert back.

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