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Message 21 of 24

Re: What Mess is New EE (BT/EE)

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If your existing FTTC connection is ducted, then that will be used. If its DIG (Direct In Ground), then that is going to involve excavation, or an alternative route along the side of the drive maybe.

Other fibre providers here, seem to simply dig up the gardens, as we are DIG.

Message 22 of 24

Re: What Mess is New EE (BT/EE)

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here's a MyBT tab at the top of this page. Oncee you log on you should automatically be taken to offers. If not, go you Your Products > Broadband > Manage.

Not applicable
Message 23 of 24

Re: What Mess is New EE (BT/EE)

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Saying that, I can’t agree with @rbz5416 ‘s “lies and deceit” .  Really? It’s a bit too strong for me.

You should spend some time on the EE community then reading the numerous posts by BT customers who have moved to EE only to discover that what they had been told wasn’t correct.

I suspect most of it comes down to terrible systems, poor internal communication and a lack of effective training, but the end result is teams misleading customers.

Any internal commission or reward structure built around getting people to move just reinforces bad behaviour and doesn’t incentivise doing the right thing for the customer. 

Message 24 of 24

Re: What Mess is New EE (BT/EE)

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Due to a recent change in circumstances I rearranged my BT services,  I had BT landline phone , BT broadband, BTTV and a BT Mobile , I now have BT broadband ( same F2 service ) with DV delivering the phone service, I no longer have BTTV and my mobile ( same number )  is now with EE , the legacy BT mobile plan I was on is longer available and TBH , the EE plan offered was superior to the equivalent BT one , and surprisingly still has ‘double data’ for being a BT Broadband customer something EE broadband customers also get ,  and although slightly more expensive than I was paying ,  it has 16x more included data and unlimited text and calls whereas the legacy BT mobile plan had restrictions on both , although TBH I never got close to the limit on minutes or texts .

…I never once was pressured or coerced into moving to EE for broadband by the BT Guide , but as the stated company aim is for EE to be the residential consumer brand and BT to be the business brand , eventually moving to EE seems relatively insignificant to me , obviously if the transfer process is poor that’s unfortunate, my mobile phone  migration was seamless 

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