Message 1 of 6

compensation and complaints

I dont know where to start but i have had a catalgue of errors from BT.

Failure to port number ffrom SKY (they ported it but then BT switched off the order and lost it)

Numerous calls over 5 months with several nu,mber changes (by them) all resulting in the total irretrievable bu prevebtable loss of my original number. I also spent 3 weeks without a number at all.

I wish to claim compensation. I have spent hours in tears over the months with them

Complians being opened and closed without my persmission, nothing being fixed. everything made worse each time. Hours on hold, hours explaining with a nrew person every time... its just beyond words.

It will never ever get me number back _linked to my health records and so many people. I am emerging from a horrid coercive relationship - hence my number got ceased in the first place and this is all making me feel dreadful.

nothing can get me my number.

I have never done this but I want maximum compensation for this awful mess. Please advise what i can ask for.

Thank you


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Message 2 of 6

Re: compensation and complaints


I have asked a moderator for advice.

The only problem may be if Sky originally issued you with your number. If that is the case, then they own the number, and it would have returned back to one of the number ranges allocated to them by Ofcom.

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Message 3 of 6

Re: compensation and complaints

i have been told it is lost forever. not in any range.

i am asking for advice re compensation i can ask for.

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Message 4 of 6

Re: compensation and complaints


What are the first six digits of the number you are trying to get back, as the number will belong to a provider?

Please to not post the full number, just the first six digits.

0 Ratings
Message 5 of 6

Re: compensation and complaints

@Desperate1 wrote:

i am asking for advice re compensation i can ask for.

In order to claim  compensation, you would need to lodge a complaint regarding everything that has gone wrong and what if anything that has been done to try and resolve it and what you are wishing to claim compensation for.

See link

Our complaints code of practice (bt.com)

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Message 6 of 6

Re: compensation and complaints


I wish to claim compensation. I have spent hours in tears over the months with them

You can ask for goodwill and any incorrect charges, you can't claim for time.

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