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Message 1 of 3

BT Virus Protect - change to Norton - Outlook no longer works (PC) and can't install on iPad

I've updated BT Virus Protect as advised to do so as BT has moved from McAfee to Norton.


Now I can't use Outlook - I have Outlook installed on my PC (not Office 360 or using it via a browser) (PC is running Windows 10). I cannot no longer view my sent items/outbox folders or send/receive emails. If I uninstall BT Virus Protect (Norton) it works perfectly and I never had any problems with BT Virus Protect (McAfee). Anyone else having similar problems and if so how have you fixed it?


My other PCs also running Windows 10 now run so slowly - they worked fine before and uninstalling BT Virus Protect (Norton) vastly improves performance.


I also have an iPad running iOS 15.2.1.  I've tried installing BT Virus Protect (Norton) by clicking on on the button which says 'install on this iPad' but it says it's only compatible with iOS (and PCs and Androids)! I've  also tried clicking on download to then install but I just keep going around in circles with it saying 'only compatable with iOS'. Anyone managed to install it on an iPad?


Message for BT - you've also removed functions like 'lock lost phone' - appears to be a backwards step in moving to Norton.


Any help appreciated.



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Message 2 of 3

Re: BT Virus Protect - change to Norton - Outlook no longer works (PC) and can't install on iPad

Same with me. Using iPad ios15.

Compatible with iOS, I don’t think so!

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Message 3 of 3

Re: BT Virus Protect - change to Norton - Outlook no longer works (PC) and can't install on iPad

If anyone else is having similar problems with Outlook (running on the PC rather than Office 360/browser) the only option I can find to work is not to have BT Virus Protect (Norton) running for Outlook. Disabling it through Outlook add-ins works but when you restart Outlook it restarts the add-in. You have to disable it in My Norton...

Close Outlook

Using Admin user

Open Norton

Click on Open next to 'Device Security'

Click on 'Settings' (near the top)

Go to 'AntiSpam'

Then 'Client Integration'

And switch off Outlook under 'Email Clients' (don't forget to apply changes/ok)

Restart Outlook (you can also disable/remove the add in)

Obviously Norton won't be running anymore for Outlook so follow the above at your own risk!


As for installing BT Virus Protect on an iPad/OS I can only assume BT has not provided this rather than Norton not providing it.



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