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Message 11 of 14

Re: MyBT app Restart my Hub not working

My original hub had supported remote restart for as long as I can remember. It then suffered a total failure. The first BTHub6 arrived in January 2024, and that didn’t support remote restart. Then following a temporary glitch in early March they sent me yet another a week ago, and that doesn’t seem to support it either. How does the serial number get associated with my account?
Am I entitled to a replacement that does support it, I wonder?
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Message 12 of 14

Re: MyBT app Restart my Hub not working

I do not how this gets updated, there is probably some background admin process that has to take place. All I can do is to ask a moderator how this is supposed to happen, and whether it can be initiated by a back office team. They may post here.

I know the helpdesk can normally force a restart, so they must have a process to identify the hub serial number by looking at your connection.


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Message 13 of 14

Re: MyBT app Restart my Hub not working

Keith, thank you for your detailed replies. Unless a moderator steps in I think I’m at a standstill. I’ll check the forum later as I have things to do for the next few hours. Thanks again. You’re a star! Z
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Message 14 of 14

Re: MyBT app Restart my Hub not working

Not sure this helps much but I ran a SH for a short while in December. That had been offline for probably three or four years but updated quickly to the same version you're showing. So that would at least suggest that firmware isn't the issue.

But I've never used the MyBT app, so don't have any experience of remote restarting.

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